"Cardinal Louis-Édouard-François-Desiré Pie... believed that Christianity was essential to society & that Jesus Christ was the cornerstone of the social order"
Cardinal Louis-Édouard-François-Desiré Pie's social and political doctrine centered on the idea that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of society and that Christianity should be a core part of society. He believed that the supernatural order was obligatory and that God's will was to have people accept Jesus Christ as their king.
Key ideas
- Pie believed that Christianity was essential to society and that Jesus Christ was the cornerstone of the social order.
- Pie believed that Jesus Christ is the king of the earth and that he has a supreme kingship over human societies.
- Cardinal Louis-Édouard-François-Desiré Pie's social and political doctrine centered on the idea that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of society and that Christianity should be a core part of society. He believed that the supernatural order was obligatory and that God's will was to have people accept Jesus Christ as their king.Key ideas
- Pie believed that Christianity was essential to society and that Jesus Christ was the cornerstone of the social order.
- Pie believed that Jesus Christ is the king of the earth and that he has a supreme kingship over human societies.
- Pie believed that the supernatural order was obligatory and indispensable.
- Pie believed that society would perish if Christianity was not returned to as a core part of society.
- Pie believed that the first three petitions of the Our Father demand the public social reign of God.
Pie also preached against Liberalism, which he associated with the French Revolution and Louis Philippe I. - Pie believed that the first three petitions of the Our Father demand the public social reign of God.
Pie also preached against Liberalism, which he associated with the French Revolution and Louis Philippe I.
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