There is no doubt that Pope Francis and his inner circle are behind the greatest crisis in the history of the Church. We at the Catholic Monitor and the Band of Bloggers have documented this catastrophe. The Catholic Resistance is fighting for the restoration of the Church by exposing the falsehoods and evil that have entered the Church. We must keep doing this, but we will fail if we don't pray at Mass and outside Mass for the restoration. Jesus Christ will restore the Church unless we, at the moment, are approaching the Last Judgment. God, as with our eternal salvation, wants us to cooperate with His grace for the restoration with our works and prayers. Outside Mass, our greatest weapon to bring about the restoration is the Rosary. When you pray at Mass or pray the Rosary or any other prayer, keep in mind what St. Francis De Sales said are the necessary conditions to get your prayers answered: "The first is that one be little by humility; the second, that