Unprofound Theologian Pope Fransis's Three Favorite Theologians are Second Rate Relativists or Heretical Dissenters
Is Pope Francis the new Pope Horonius? The unscholarly Pope Honorius was a heretic who promoted the Monothelitist heresy. He was condemned by a general council and Pope St. Agatho and Pope St. Leo II. The Catholic Encyclopedia said of Honorius that he "was not a profound theologian, and allowed himself to be confused and mislead." (Edward Feser.blogspot, "Denial flows into the Tiber," December 18, 2016) Theologian Tracey Rowland wrote that Francis before the papacy said "I can't imagine anything more boring than Fundamental Theology." She quotes Ross Douthat saying: "Francis is clearly a less systematic thinker than... his predecessors" to the papacy. (Catholic Theology, page 192) Francis is not a profound theologian and neither are the Pope's three favorite theologians who are the basis of his theological formation or thinking. Austen Ivereigh at Crux recently did a reviewed of Massimo Borghesi's book cal...