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Showing posts from March 10, 2019

Why is Francis's Reportedly "Gay Lobby" Private Secretary "leav[ing] his Position"?

- Updated November 27, 2019 Vatican News reported Msgr. Fabian Pedacchio the "Pope's personal secretary to leave his position" with Francis. (Vatican News, "Pope's personal secretary to leave his position," November 25, 2019) said Pedacchio's resignation was accelerated for unknown reasons: "[A]n acceleration in his replacement for reasons which are still unclear." (, "Francis' Private Secretary about to Resign," November 24, 2019) Might his resignation be connected to his reportedly being a member of the Vatican "gay lobby" and issues dealing with that immoral membership? In 2013, at the beginning of Francis's pontificate according to the Monday Vatican blog, known for its insider knowledge of the Vatican, Francis was already reportedly promoting the gay lobby which included Pedacchio: "Ilson de Jesus Montanari... catapulted to the number two position in the Congregation fo...

Did Viganò Reveal that Francis's Personal Secretary who helps him Appoint Immoral Bishops is Gay?

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in his September 27 statement said Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the Perfect of the Congregation  for Bishops, is undermined "by two homosexual 'friends' of his dicastery." (, "Whistleblower Viganò puts heavy pressure on Cardinal Ouellet," September 27, 2018) Vatican expert Marco Tosatti said that apparently one of the "two homosexual 'friends'" mentioned by Viganò who is undermining and bypassing Ouellet in bishop appointments is Francis's personal secretary Monsignor Fabian Pedacchio Leaniz (and the second is Father Ilson de Jesus Montanari "a bosom friend of... Leaniz"). Tosatti according to reported: "Ouellet categorically excluded one of them [from episcopal nomination] for moral reasons. But next day Pedacchio told Ouellet, 'The Pope wants him.'" (, "Two Homosexuals are bypassing Cardinal Ouellet," Sept 28, 2018) Why, if Viganò'...

Why is Francis Accompanying at a "Exclusive Retreat" Accused Barros-like Zanchetta & apparently Sharing a Residency with one Accused of being a Sexual Predator?

It appears that Pope Francis is accompanying Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, who is accused of being a sexual predator, at a "exclusive retreat." Lifesitenews reported: "The Herald reports... Zanchetta... is attending the exclusive retreat, which is being conducted for the Pope." (LifeSiteNews, "Bishop accused of sexual abuse invited to private retreat with Pope Francis: report," March 11, 2019) Why is Francis attending an "exclusive retreat" with a "bishop accused of sexual abuse"? It appears that Francis with Zanchetta has a new Bishop Juan Barros-like sex abuse scandal. Francis overturned the Pope Benedict XVI appointed CDF ruling that found credible evidence that Barros covered-up for a infamous sexual predator priest which barred him from the office of bishop. The current Pope then appointed Barros bishop of Osorno according to La Bussola Quotidiana: "But with a letter signed by Pope [Francis] in January 2015... the re...

Pope Francis "Praised the [UN] SDGs" which calls for Abortion

Pope Francis is apparently praising calls for abortion and contraception in his praising of a United Nation's "Green New Deal." The Catholic News Agency on March 8 reported: "Pope Francis praised the [United Nation's] SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals] and 2030 Agenda as 'a great step forward.'" (Remnant, "The Hippie Pope's Green New Deal, March 9, 2019) According to LifeSiteNews: "Two of the SDG's 17 goals have targets that call for 'universal access' to 'sexual and reproductive health' and 'reproductive rights'... 'modern contraception'... 'safe abortion.'" (LifeSiteNews, "As Pope, other Vatican officials champion UN Goals, Holy See instead has moral objections," April 5, 2017) Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.