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Showing posts from September 24, 2017

Why is Pope Francis Promoting Intrinsic Evil & does he believe God wills Evil?

Why is the unscholarly Pope Francis, who thinks a third rate thinkers such as the confused and almost unreadable Postmodernist Michael de Certeau is "the greatest theologian for today," promoting intrinsically evil acts?  It appears because he was confused and mislead into thinking Amoris Leatitia is "Thomist" by the heretical scholar Cardinal Christoph Schonborn. Schonborn didn't explain to Francis that the heretical Fr. Bernard Haring's theology of the denial of intrinsically evil acts which was implicitly used in writing Amoris Laetitia (AL) destroys all Catholic moral doctrine.  Dubia Cardinal Brandmuller says that those who promote intrinsically evil acts are heretics: "Whoever thinks that persistent adultery and reception of Holy Communion are compatible is a heretic." (, "Dubia Cardinal: Anyone who opens Communion to adulterers 'some a heretic and promotes schism,'" December 23, 2016) An

Pope Francis is Spreading Heresy so What is the next Step?

The Filial Correction of Pope Francis for "propagating heresies" by the 62 Catholic scholars has forever branded Francis with spreading heresy. (The conservative and liberal supporters of Francis are making it more obvious than ever that the Pope appears to be a material heretic. They have no facts or arguments against the correction's beyond a doubt logic of heresy so they are left to name calling or attempting to diminish the scholars.) The last time a pope was given a Filial Correction for heresy by Catholic scholars was in 1313. The medieval papal officer holder was Pope John XXII. John XXII recanted his heresies on his deathbed. ABC, CBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post and all the world media have headlines in the internet which proclaim that the 62 Catholic scholars say Francis is spreading heresy. Google the word heresy. The same headlines brand the name Francis with heresy after a definition of the word heresy at that Google web page. An ex