Slidesho "Judas received the first sacrilegious Communion. St Paul has to warn against receiving the Holy Eucharist unworthily making the receiver “guilty of the blood” – meaning guilty of the equivalent of murder. (Blood guilt in the OT is murder)."[ " "[T]he currently prevalent abomination of Holy Communion being received by everyone at Mass, without regard to whether the recipient is in the State of Grace, whether he believes in the Real Presence (and all other Catholic doctrines), or whether he is even a Catholic. To receive Holy Communion under any of these conditions is a mortal sin of sacrilege. To receive Holy Communion worthily, a Catholic in the state of mortal sin must first confess all his mortal sins to a priest in Confession and be absolved of them, after which Our Lord will be pleased to come once again into his heart in Holy Communion." [ http: