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Showing posts from April 29, 2018

Join Bishop Gracida's Resistance against the Amoris Laetitia Heresy

Slidesho "Judas received the first sacrilegious Communion. St Paul has to warn against receiving the Holy Eucharist unworthily making the receiver “guilty of the blood” – meaning guilty of the equivalent of murder. (Blood guilt in the OT is murder)."[ " "[T]he currently prevalent abomination of Holy Communion being received by everyone at Mass, without regard to whether the recipient is in the State of Grace, whether he believes in the Real Presence (and all other Catholic doctrines), or whether he is even a Catholic. To receive Holy Communion under any of these conditions is a mortal sin of sacrilege. To receive Holy Communion worthily, a Catholic in the state of mortal sin must first confess all his mortal sins to a priest in Confession and be absolved of them, after which Our Lord will be pleased to come once again into his heart in Holy Communion." [ http:

Holocaust?: Baby Alfie is only the Latest Baby Victim of the "Grotesque" Alder Hey which has "Stripped Hundreds of Dead Babies of their Organs"

Was physically disabled baby Alfie Evans only the latest baby victim of the Alder Hey "grotesque" hospital which is known for it's baby "body parts" Holocaust-like medical research scandal according to a British inquiry? The "Alder Hey organ scandal" reminds one of the German Nazi regime human experiments scandal during it's genocide of the Jews and other groups called the Holocaust for it's grotesque medical research using human body parts: "As accounts of the Holocaust expanded to include non-Jewish victims,... The medical community regularly received bodies and body parts for research." (, "The Holocaust") Moreover, physically disabled children like baby Alfie were targeted by the Nazis as "useless eaters": "The Germans and their collaborators killed as many as 1.5 million children... [including] German children with physical and mental disabilities living in institutions." (Uni

Sacrilege Communion: Francis vs. Benedict XVI

Vatican expert Maike Hickson at Onepeterfive reported: "A possible reason as to why Pope Francis wishes this CDF [Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith] letter [accordingly to approved by Francis rejecting the majority of the German bishops move to give Communion to Protestants] to remain unpublished is that he is not happy with it." "... it was Pope Francis himself who... in 2015... opened up to the idea that a Protestant spouse could... [receive] Holy Communion... One well-informed clerical source therefore told Onepeterfive that this move was coming "from the very top in Rome [Francis]." (," A Crucial Moment For the Church: Intercommunion Debate in Rome in May," April 30, 2018) Vatican expert Edward Pentin revealed: ""The Register understands from reliable and authoritative sources that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has given his full support to the seven [German] bishops and their letter to the Vatica