"263.... Today we state clearly that 'the death penalty is inadmissible'” [247]. ( ENCYCLICAL LETTER FRATELLI TUTTI OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS ON FRATERNITY AND SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP, Link: Fratelli Tutti ) - Francis Francis in his encyclical FRATELLI TUTTI restated what he said in 2018 in his " Catechism of the Catholic Church " that " the death penalty is inadmissible." It appears that so-called conservative Amy Coney Barrett is a Francis "Catholic Stalinis[t]” in total agreement with Francis according to John Zmirak : Some Catholics have rightly defied Francis, noting that he has no authority to change long-settled teachings, or impose specific politics on Catholics. But too many pious Catholics seem conflicted, and feel obliged to adapt their long-held beliefs to suit the current inhabitant of the Vatican—as if he were some kind of oracle. This “Catholic Stalinism ,” if you will, recalls the attitude depicted in Arth...