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Showing posts from July 5, 2020

Might one of the EWTN/CNA Anonymous "Catholic" White House Sources have been Heretical "Catholic" Fauci?

Today,  Gloria .tv posted an article in which President Donald Trump's social media manager Dan Scavino implied that " (July 9) which is owned by" is making fake news. Catholic News Agency (CNA) claimed to use anonymous "Catholic" White House sources on a hatchet job on two nationally known Catholic supporters of Trump: "The sources lament that Trump’s endorsement is putting “the White House at odds with the U.S. bishops.” However, both admit that most U.S. bishops have distanced themselves from Trump." "Trump’s social media manager Dan Scavino is identified by them as the culprit who proposed to endorse Viganò and Marshall to reach out to the Catholic faithful. Now, Scavino responded on Twitter," “'ANONYMOUS ‘serious’ White House Catholics! Give me a break, ‘Catholic News Agency.’ Such a disgraceful hit piece on myself and POTUS – y’all just DON’T get it. WEAK!'”  [ https://www.gloria....

Is St. Joseph (and Devotion to him) "the Two Wings of the Eagle" of The Apocalypse of St. John?

  "'The woman was given the two wings of the eagle, so she could fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to her place where she is nourished for a time, and time, and half a time.' (RV. 12:14)" "The two wings are the silence of the soul and the night of faith, that is, the two specialties of Joseph, the providential man chosen by the Father. The dragon is totally helpless against those who know how to obey Joseph, as Jesus did for so long, by observing these two essential points... putting our poor head to silence, to place our trust during the night in the One who cannot fail us is to make the two wings of the great eagle function and save time by allowing the power of the cross to manifest itself... 'Christ is the power of God.'" (Joseph: Shadow of the Father, Pages 159-160) St. Joseph Prayer: To "Render Possible for us the most Impossible Things" "Glorious St. Joseph, spouse of Mary, grant us thy paternal prot...

Is "Airborne" Coronavirus Fact or Fiction & is the Media's Scaremongering Spreading it?

One study may be all that supports the Coronavirus "airborne" statements made by the media have. That study apparently hasn't been peer reviewed. The medical website MDLinx said: "Their findings are based on a study... expected to be published soon." If the study hasn't been peer reviewed than its validity is still questionable because without other experts in the same field evaluating it for its correctness it is still uncertain, debatable and possibly dubious. The study said Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and SARS (SARS-CoV-1) "behave similarly... the results failed to explain why COVID-19 has become a much larger outbreak" [yet in my opinion, the similar behaving 2002-2004 SARS didn't entail the semi-destruction of the United States economy and specifically the apparent California attempt to destroy small businesses and only injure large China tied corporate businesses]. (MDLinx, "Fact or fiction: Is COVID-19 really airbor...

Might CNA's Ed Condon think with Marx and Cupich that Amoris Laetitia Condones Homosexuality?

His his defense of Bishop Robert Barron, Canon lawyer Ed Condon in a Catholic News Agency attack piece claimed that two anonymous White House officials appear to support leftist Archbishop Wilton Gregory's "stinging" ambush of  President Donald Trump for visiting a Catholic shrine and want the President to be nice to the "U.S. bishops" who smear him. In the article, he also did a hatchet job on former papal nuncio to the United States Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and the Thomist scholar Dr. Taylor Marshall: "Two Catholics in senior positions in the administration told CNA the decision to elevate Viganò and Marshall has put the White House at odds with the U.S. bishops..." "... 'I totally get why people like Viganò and Marshall appeal to Scavino. Conspiracy theories, communists, freemasons, tons of retweets and YouTube followers? It’s right up his alley,, the official said." [

Houston War Zone: Why didn't the Flu Outbreak Hospital War Zones of 2018 require the Destruction of the United States Economy and the Banning of the Catholic Mass?

The Bear asked a question: The Bear said…  Ghat explains Bear’s confusion over “COVID Cases” and “confirmed cases.” Because it seems that a positive test result would be a “case,” so what’s the difference between a “case” and a “confirmed case.” The Bear figured the difference was between a positive test result and some made-up BS. Thanks for sorting this out. Now all you have to do is explain the Houston version of Covid Cases Overwhelm Hospital ICUs story.   [] I'll answer with a question:  Why didn't the flu outbreak hospital war zones of 2018 require the destruction of the United States economy and the banning of the Catholic Mass?   I received a email from my traditional Latin Mass pastor which summarizes the information many people are getting: "[M]ost people who get the coronavirus are not likely to become gravely ill, [but] COVID-19 i...

Republican Governors Policies are Saving Lives while the Tyrannical Democrat COVID Policies are bringing Death

Democrat states such New York and New Jersey as well as the liberal countries like Italy and the United Kingdom are killing off the elderly by state COVID-19 " totally irresponsible, negligent and stupid" laws. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's "New York State, the UK and Italy all had laws that encouraged infected coronavirus patients to be sent back to nursing homes" according to Blabber Buzz: "A new study by reveled that 39% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes. That comes out to 31,900 Deaths in Nursing Homes! That is a really shocking number! 49,895 deaths were outside of nursing homes. Which is what you might expect from a typical flu season.  "Italy also saw 40% of their coronavirus deaths in nursing homes." "At least 4,900 seniors have died in New York State nursing homes from the coronavirus so far this year. Around 20 percent of all New York state deaths were in nursing homes." "New Yor...

"A Poor Clare Nun ... 'I went Straight to Heaven, for, by Means of this Prayer, Recited every Evening, I Paid all my Debts'"

A Prayer For Daily Neglects Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all its love, all its sufferings and all its merits: First -- To expiate all the sins I have committed this day and during all my life. Gloria Patri. Second -- To purify the good I have done badly this day and during all my life. Gloria Patri. Third -- To supply for the good I ought to have done, and that I have neglected this day and during all my life. Gloria Patri. A Poor Clare nun who had just died, appeared to her Abbess, who was praying for her, and said to her, "I went straight to Heaven, for, by means of this prayer, recited every evening, I paid all my debts." Please pray for the Frank M. Foran family Note: I found this prayer on a free very old holy card  leaflet made available by the Foran family in a old book. Say this prayer, lead a holy life,  go to the Sacrament of Confession regularly and maybe you may go " straight to Heaven, for, by ...

Good Night To Our Blessed Mother Prayer

Good Night To Our Blessed Mother Prayer on a 3.5" x 5.5" Prayer Card, 3¢ each: Night is falling dear Mother, the long day is o'er! And before thy loved image I am kneeling once more To thank thee for keeping me safe through the day To ask thee this night to keep evil away. Many times have I fallen today, Mother Dear, Many graces neglected, since last I knelt here; Wilt thou not in pity, my own Mother mild, Ask Jesus to pardon the sins of thy child? I am going to rest, for the day's work is done, Its hours and its moments have passed one by one; And the God who will judge me has noted them all, He has numbered each grace, He has counted each fall. In His book they are written against the last day, O Mother, ask Jesus to wash them away; For one drop of His blood which for sinners was spilt, Is sufficient to cleanse the whole world of its guilt. And if ere the dawn I should draw my last breath And the sleep that I take be the long sl...

Are the Lockdowns about Killing more Americans to Keep in Place the Tyranny?

Might the hidden agenda for the lockdowns be not just to promote government tyranny, but to kill more people by not allowing "herd immunity" so that in the Fall and Winter when all viruses return for a second wave that more people can die to promote more tyranny? Is the United States lockdown about Americans not getting "largely immune to the virus" as Sweden, Korea, Singapore, and Japan have apparently done by NOT HAVING LOCKDOWNS so more people can die to keep in place the tyranny? The Epoch Times presented evidence that the lockdowns are not allowing Americans to get "herd immunity" so that they can be " largely immune to the virus" which means the lockdowns may be about killing more Americans in the Fall and winter: "[T]here is less evidence that the draconian measures, such as closing schools and most small businesses, were necessary in the first place." "Not every country has adopted extreme lockdown measur...

"Please Share this Article with everyone Calling for Panic and Shouting about New Lockdowns"

Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count the tail as a leg. When they answered “five,” Lincoln told them that the answer was four. The fact that you called the tail a leg did not make it a leg. - Thomas Sowell The subjective reality Supreme Court recently declared that the " fact that you called the tail a leg [does] make it a leg" in its ruling for transgenderism and homosexuality, Bostock v. Clayton County. As will be shown everyone who believes the leftist media COVID-19 propaganda are now living in the "if you call a man a woman then its a 'fact' Supreme Court ruling that overturns God's objective reality for subjective "reality." So, we learn that the "spike" in COVID-19 cases in Texas may in part be because a Texan court ruled that "if you call a "subjective fever and... headache and you live in Collin County, you now meet the qualifications to be a probable COVID" which ...