Might one of the EWTN/CNA Anonymous "Catholic" White House Sources have been Heretical "Catholic" Fauci?
Today, Gloria .tv posted an article in which President Donald Trump's social media manager Dan Scavino implied that "CatholicNewsAgency.com (July 9) which is owned by EWTN.com" is making fake news. Catholic News Agency (CNA) claimed to use anonymous "Catholic" White House sources on a hatchet job on two nationally known Catholic supporters of Trump: "The sources lament that Trump’s endorsement is putting “the White House at odds with the U.S. bishops.” However, both admit that most U.S. bishops have distanced themselves from Trump." "Trump’s social media manager Dan Scavino is identified by them as the culprit who proposed to endorse Viganò and Marshall to reach out to the Catholic faithful. Now, Scavino responded on Twitter," “'ANONYMOUS ‘serious’ White House Catholics! Give me a break, ‘Catholic News Agency.’ Such a disgraceful hit piece on myself and POTUS – y’all just DON’T get it. WEAK!'” [ https://www.gloria....