This a sad day for me. I learned many deep insights from E. Michael Jones. I stopped getting his Culture War magazine a number of years ago because it started sounding anti-Semitic. Today I decided to do a little research. Jones said "This “Judenfeindlichkeit[("hostility-toward-Jews")],” if we use Brumlik’s word, is part of the essence of Catholicism." Paul Tarsax in his blog says: "He will argue that it is founded on religion, but I have never once seen Mr. Jones claim that "part of the essence of Catholicism" is being hostile toward non-Christian Germans, non-Christian French, or non-Christian Chinese. For Mr. Jones, this hostility is to be directed at Jews who reject Christ, and any Hebrew living today who is not a Christian falls into this category." A better comparison would be "I have never once seen Mr. Jones claim that "part of the essence of Catholicism" is being hostile toward" the non-Christian Muslims who have kill