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Showing posts from April 13, 2008

What Is VOTF's Real Agenda for Attacking the Pope?

Voice of the Faithful's Jayne O'Donnell is attacking Pope Benedict XVI. Read the article below to find out why. Fred What Is VOTF's Real Agenda? By Fred Martinez Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) is the news media's favorite "Catholic" lay organization to cure the Catholic Church of its sex-abuse scandal. The New York Times and Boston Globe wrote glowing articles about this new "mainstream" Catholic organization. Even in Ireland and on the European landmass, newspapers were covering this "grassroots" group that started from a humble church basement. VOTF claims it wants to democratize and subordinate the bishops to "lay participation." It also claims to be mainstream and conservative. I received this e-mail from one of my readers asking me about VOTF's claims: "Could you please direct me to a reliable assessment of the group Voice of the Faithful? A local 'chapter' is meeting this afternoon in Nashville, and it has bee

Pope to Find US Protestants More Receptive Pope to find US Protestants more receptive Benedict XVI will be welcomed by many American Protestants when he visits the US next week. When Pope Benedict XVI goes to America next week, he will find a religious landscape different from that which greeted his predecessor John Paul II. He will be greeted by an American Catholicism that has been haemorrhaging non-Hispanic whites, mainline Protestants who have diminished in numbers and importance, and the emergence of evangelicalism as the largest religious tradition in America. Benedict may also find less Protestant hostility to Rome and the papacy than at any previous time in American history. These are some of the startling implications of the most important survey of American religion in decades. In February 2008 the Pew Research Center released its first report on the "US Religious Landscape Survey," a massive study that conducted 35,000 in-depth