Lawyer and author Scott Lively explains the USA ""HENHOUSE FULL OF FOXES": The surest way to destroy America’s world-blessing system of “ordered liberty” is to allow bad people to act with impunity. Impunity means exemption or immunity from punishment, harm, or loss. Impunity is doing whatever bad thing you want without suffering the consequences that would normally follow. It is “liberty” without order, which breeds anarchy, which produces social chaos, which has been the goal of every Marxist enemy we have ever faced from the time of Marxism’s emergence to today’s partnership of American Cultural Marxist elites with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Another way to describe “ordered liberty” is “the rule of law,” but not just the ruled-law of man, since that can be (and has been) corrupted by bad actors in the legislative process, but the true “Law of Nature and Nature’s God” invoked by America’s founders in the Declaration of Independence. “Ordere...