Here's a summary of the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Letter that makes the tongue in cheek bordering on sarcasm language obvious and also his unhappiness at those who attack Veritatis Splendor: "I am unable to read the eleven volumes" but the "small volumes show, rightly, that Pope Francis is a man of profound philosophical and theological formation, and they therefore help to see the inner continuity between the two pontificates... I don’t feel like writing a short and dense theological passage on them... Professor Hünermann, who during my pontificate had distinguished himself by leading anti-papal initiatives. He played a major part in the release of the 'Kölner Erklärung' [Cologne Declaration], which, in relation to the encyclical 'Veritatis splendor', virulently attacked the magisterial authority of the Pope, especially on questions of moral theology... I am sure you will understand my refusal." As an aside, 'Veritatis splendor' cont...