Socci: Did Obama's Homo-Colonialism bring about the Overthrow of Benedict XVI & the Italian Government?
Antonio Socci in "The Secret of Benedict XVI" makes the case that the Barack Obama administration demonized Vladimir Putin calling him and Russia "homophobic" because he and his nation refused to "accept as its own" the Obama policy of imperialistic one-world homosexualization. (The Secret, age 21) Socci wrote that Pope Benedict XVI and the Italian government of Silvio Berlusconi were geopolitically allied with Putin's Russia against the Obama colonialism. "The Secret" says there was a "coordinated campaign of scandal" that led to the overthrowing of the Berlusconi government in 2011 and the "abdication of Ratzinger on February 21, 2013... At the height of the crisis, Italy saw the doors of access to international financial markets progressively close" as the Vatican Bank "was temporarily cut out of the [financial] Swift circuit" just before the Benedict resignation. (The Secret, page 23) With the "