Skojec: Francis's Validity "is Infallibly Certain," but "Infallibility appears to be Tautological at Best... Superstition at Worst"
One Peter Five publisher Steve Skojec is giving me some good laughs. Today, on Twitter, Skojec seriously wrote: "[A] pope universally accepted upon his election is infallibly certain. A dogmatic fact." "Francis was universally accepted. That's a dogmatic fact." He is claiming that it is "dogmatic fact" that Francis's papal validity "is infallibly certain," but the funny thing is that he said on Twitter on September 3 that he believes the Vatican I infallible dogma of papal "infallibility appears to be tautological [meaningless circular reasoning or logical fallacy] at best and borders on superstition [a unfounded belief] at worst." So, apparently, Skojec's "infallible certain" belief in the "dogmatic fact" of Francis's papal validity is meaningless circular reasoning or a logical fallacy "at best" or a unfounded belief "at worst." Humor aside, the ironic thing is that