The latest news from the Pachamama Amazon Synod is that it will vote on formally defining Francis ecological sins. I think their focus on only ecological sins is too narrow. They need to vote to bring everyone up to speed on all the new and improved Francis sins for the confessional. Here is what that new and improved confession at the Francis confessional might sound like: Bless me Father or Mother for I have sinned. It has been about three years since my last Francis confession. I feel so bad because I failed to postrate before the ecological pagan Pachamama idols in the Francis Vatican gardens. I allowed myself in enter into the near occasion of sin against the Francis dogma of global warming by viewing on the internet websites not controlled by the liberal establishment, I am so ashamed, then I fall into sin by reading independent scientists' evidence against Francis's prediction that climate change doomday is near. This caused me to fall into the sin of doubti...