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Showing posts from October 13, 2019

Our Lady of Good Success: Pray for the "Prisoner" Pope Benedict, "the Prelate" probably similar to Athanasius & the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Our Lady of Good Success apparitions are fully approved by the Catholic Church and are associated with many miracles. Our Lady of Good Success, who appeared in Ecuador 400 years ago, made the following prophecies: There would be a worldwide crisis of faith and morals in the 20th century that will continue into our time which will be the "greatest crisis of the Church" when "evil will seem to triumph," then God will sent a "prelate" and Our Lady to restore the Church and defeat "Satan": Fourth Apparition: January 21, 1610: "The Supreme Shepherd and Vicar of Christ on Earth, who, being a prisoner in the Vatican... " "... [I]n that greatest crisis of the Church, he who is obligated today speak in due time will remain silent." (The Story of Our Lady of Good Success and Novena, Pages 40-41) Ninth Apparition: March, 1634: "Then the Church will suffer the dark night from lack of a prelate... " "Pr...

Pope Pius XII Condemned Francis's Amazon Synod's "False Mysticism"

Pope Pius XII in his encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi on the Mystical Body of Christ condemned the ideas of Pantheism which are apparently infused in the Amazon Synod. These ideas were embodied in the Vatican indigenous rituals that appear to claim that man, nature and God are one and don't need Jesus Christ's saving grace because grace and nature are already intrinsic to each other. Here is Pius XII's condemnation of the "false mysticism" of Pantheism: "[T]here is a on the other hand a false mysticism creeping [into the Church], which, in its attempt to eliminate the immovable frontier that separate creatures from the Creator, falsifies the Sacred Scriptures... a distorted idea, a false teaching, impious, and sacrilegious" (Crisis, "Art & Liturgy: The Splendor of Faith, January 13, 2012) Francis said that the Amazon Synod is a "child" of his document Laudato si which in my opinion and the opinion of the Washington Post te...

Does Fr. Z Think he is Smarter than Cd. Burke & Think he is a Cardinal?

Today, Fr. Z, Father John Zuhlsdorf, appeared to say that canon law rules on excommunication override the conclave constitution of a pope and then said: "If you are going to say that Francis is not a legitimate Pope, you need a better argument than an invalid conclave due to conspiracy." (Fr. Z's Blog, "Is Francis an Antipope because Cardinals conspired and the conclave was invalid?, October 17, 2019) Unfortunately for Fr. Z's argument, Cardinal Raymond Burke said: "The only grounds that could be used for calling into question the validity of the [Francis] election would be were the election organized by a campaign beforehand which is strictly forbidden and that would be difficult to demonstrate." (Patrick Coffin Show, "141: Dubia Cardinal goes on the Record - Raymond Cardinal Burke") Moreover, apparently Fr. Z thinks he is a cardinal who can judge Pope John Paul II's conclave constitution. I suggest that he read paragraph 5 o...

Our Lady of Good Success: Is Pope Benedict the "Prisoner in the Vatican... in that Greatest Crisis of the Church"?

The apparitions of Our Lady of Success have been approved by the Catholic Church. Moreover, Our Lady of Good Success has had many miracles associated with it. Here is part of the "Fourth Apparition: January 21, 1610" which the influencial and prominent Catholic blogger Laramie Hirsch believes may possibly be referring to Pope Benedict XVI: "The Supreme Shepherd and Vicar of Christ on Earth, who, being a prisoner in the Vatican... in that greatest crisis of the Church, he who is obligated to speak in due time will remain silent." (The Story of Our Lady of Good Success and Novena, Dolorosa Press, Pages 40-41) Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.

Why Don't you, Mr. Ferrara, in 2019, again, Call for a "Imperfect Council" & Present your Friend Fr. Gruner's Evidence that Francis's Papacy is Possibly Invalid?

In my opinion, one of the smartest journalists in the Catholic Church in the United States is pro-life attorney Christopher A. Ferrara . On September 17, 2018, Ferrara, president of the American Catholic Lawyers Association wrote a brilliant article calling for a "imperfect council" to be enjoined to investigate and possibly "declare" Francis "deposed" from the papacy: "The Synod [of Sutri in 1046] was convoked by Henry III, the German king and soon-to-be-crowned Holy Roman Emperor , a pious and austere Christian and an exponent of the Cluniac spirit of reform. The Synod declared that Benedict IX (who had refused to appear) was deposed notwithstanding his attempt to undo his resignation. As for Sylvester, the Synod declared that he be “stripped of his sacerdotal rank and shut up in a monastery.” Gregory was also declared deposed, either by the act of the Synod itself or by Gregory’s own voluntary resignation in view of the S...

Is it Possible that the Vatican Gay Lobby Forced Pope Benedict's Resignation by Assassination Threats & are keeping him "a Prisoner in the Vatican"?

The popular Catholic blogger Laramie Hirsch quoted the approved apparition Our Lady of Good Success and then asked "Is Our Lady of Good Success talking about Pope Benedict being a prisoner in the Vatican?" : "'The devil will work to persecute the ministers of the Lord in every way, working with baneful cunning to destroy the spirit of their vocation and corrupting many. Those who will thus scandalize the Christian flock will bring upon all priests the hatred of bad Christians and the enemies of the One, Holy, Roman Catholic, and Apostolic Church. This apparent triumph of Satan will cause enormous suffering to the good pastors of the Church…and to the Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on earth who, a prisoner in the Vatican, will shed secret and bitter tears in the presence of God Our Lord , asking for light, sanctity, and perfection for all the clergy of the world, to whom he is King and Father.' Our Lady of Good Success..." "... Is Our Lady of...

Are Sodano's Old Guard & the Italian Mafia at war with Francis & the Gay Mafia?

Updated: October 14, 2019 Is diplomat Cardinal Pietro Parolin under the control of Cardinal Angelo Sodano? Sodano is the boss of the Vatican Old Guard diplomats and Parolin has been called his "longtime protegee." (, "Does Sodano Dominate Pope Francis? Or Does it just Seem So?", March 29, 2015) Are Sodano's Old Guard and the Italian Mafia at war with Francis and the Vatican Gay Lobby, also, known as the Gay Mafia? Today, the latest headline from the Catholic News Agency which is apparently controlled by Team Francis is "Cardinal Becciu at center of financial investigation" which shows he is being thrown under the bus. It appears that Becciu (who was made a bishop by Sodano) according to the CNA article is going to be the scapegoat for all the recently uncovered financial wrong doings in the Vatican and even the Parolin defeat of Cardinal George Pell's Vatican financial reform and the Parolin sacking of Pell's...

EWTN's World Over: Vatican "Pagan... Ceremony" was "Syncretism" & Francis's Pantheistic "New Age... Syncretism" Beliefs?

Update: October 15, 2019 LifeSiteNews reported that on Thursday on the EWTN World Over show, Canon lawyer Fr. Gerald Murray said that the Francis Vatican had a "pagan religious ceremony... This should not be - ever occur in a Catholic institution." (LifeSiteNews, "Pope Francis causes 'confusion' by participating in 'pagan' ritual," October 11, 2019) Also, on the EWTN show, The Catholic Thing editor Robert Royal called the ritual "syncretism" according to the LifeSiteNews article. Is the reason that there was a pagan syncretistic ritual preceding the Amazon Synod because Francis apparently believes in Pantheistic "new age... syncretism"? August 9, Crux reported that  Francis said:  "When asked why he convened a synod on the Amazon, Francis said, 'It is the ‘child’ of Laudato si’ .'" [ ] It is...