Our Lady of Good Success: Pray for the "Prisoner" Pope Benedict, "the Prelate" probably similar to Athanasius & the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Our Lady of Good Success apparitions are fully approved by the Catholic Church and are associated with many miracles. Our Lady of Good Success, who appeared in Ecuador 400 years ago, made the following prophecies: There would be a worldwide crisis of faith and morals in the 20th century that will continue into our time which will be the "greatest crisis of the Church" when "evil will seem to triumph," then God will sent a "prelate" and Our Lady to restore the Church and defeat "Satan": Fourth Apparition: January 21, 1610: "The Supreme Shepherd and Vicar of Christ on Earth, who, being a prisoner in the Vatican... " "... [I]n that greatest crisis of the Church, he who is obligated today speak in due time will remain silent." (The Story of Our Lady of Good Success and Novena, Pages 40-41) Ninth Apparition: March, 1634: "Then the Church will suffer the dark night from lack of a prelate... " "Pr...