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Showing posts from September 30, 2007

A New Rosary Evangelization

A New Rosary Evangelization J has been involved in a threefold ministry of reaching out to help, bringing God into everyday conversation and introducing "persons to the gospel rosary." His real name is James Wallace, but everyone in the streets and veterans hospital call him J. Veteran Marcia Nagles,outpatient at Menlo Park Veterans Hospital, says ”J make you feel like part of the family.” She was sitting in a hospital corner in 1990 when he said 'You don’t look like your doing well, do you want to talk?'” Marcia said, “He shopped, picked things up, walked me home, got me to daily mass and rosary. He made me a better Catholic and I’m a convert." J says "Marcia and many like her are my family, now. Nagles connected with me because when she converted to Catholicism in 1964 her family kicked her out. J own family booted him out in 1985 “because of military Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] and an antsy personality.” The lay ministry began with family in 198

McCain says US " a Christian Nation."

I don't trust McCain, but he is at least pro-life unlike pro-abort Giuliani, maybe ex-abort Romney and Planned Parenthood Thompson. Fred Christian Coalition Blogger Says Senator McCain May Win Presidency with 'America is a Christian Nation' Comments WASHINGTON, October 2 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christian Coalition of America blogger, Jim Backlin, comments about Senator John McCain's "America is a Christian nation" remarks: In a Christian Coalition of America blog entry entitled: "McCain's 'America is a Christian Nation' Comments Might Make Him President," Jim Backlin said: "Comments like 'America was founded on Christian principles' by Senator John McCain just might make him president. In an interview last Saturday with a Christian-oriented website called Beliefnet, Senator McCain stated that "I just have to say in all candor that since this nation was founded primarily on Christian principles, personally, I would prefer

Gay Smear Campaign to Google Brazilian family advocate Julio Severo had his website taken down by Google for three days after a smear campaign by homosexual militants. The following article is reprinted with permission from Lifesitenews (, which has become one of the world’s leading pro-family sources for news. (To sign up for Lifesite e-updates, click HERE.) Call it homo-fascism, homo-totalitarianism, homo-supremacy or whatever you will, but the “gay” activist movement’s drive to silence opponents is intensifying worldwide. Yet American liberals and homosexual activists alike –with rare exceptions such as lesbian Georgetown University professor Chai Feldblum – play dumb, as if they cannot comprehend how homosexuality-based “rights” (in the guise of sexual orientation “equality”) will erode the freedoms of those who regard homosexual behavior as wrong. We welcome homosexual (and liberal)