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Showing posts from July 14, 2019

Socci: Cdl. "Muller did not respond... that Benedict XVI is no longer the Pope... [like] Ganswein [he said] - [it is] a Sort of 'Shared Ministry'"

Antonio Socci in his new book said these "are remarkable words... at the time, the highest doctrinal authority in the Church. [Cardinal Gerhard] Muller did not respond... that Benedict XVI is no longer the pope." Moreover, in his book he says Muller used "the categories employed by Archbishop Georg Ganswein - a sort of 'shared ministry.'" Finally,  Socci quotes Muller to backup his assertion. Muller said: "[W]hat unites them [Benedict and Francis] is the Petrine ministry. They exercise an office together..." "... Benedict and Francis... dedicate themselves fully to the mission of the successor of Peter." (The Secret of Benedict XVI, Pages 96-97) Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.

Washington Post: Most Mexicans Oppose Francis's Illegal Immigration Mania

The Washington Post reported: "More than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country... A 55 percent majority supports deporting migrants who travel through Mexico to reach the United States." (Washington Post, "Unauthorized immigration faces public backlash in Mexico," July 17, 2019) It looks like Mexico might be the next country to follow Italy in rejecting Francis's mania for the chaos of open borders and illegal immigration. Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of Mexico to its noble Catholic Cristero roots which raged war against the ignominious Masonic-Socialist overlords who were and are destroying the great country.

Francis's Communion for Adulterers "Development of Doctrine" Contradicts Vatican I & the Apostles

Father Joseph Fenton was one of the top American Catholic theologians of the last century. His doctoral dissertation was directed by the great Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange and in the 1960's he was a collaborator of Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani in the fight against the Modernist heresy. In 1953, in an article for the American Ecclesiological Review he wrote: "The statement that our Catholic dogma or doctrine is the growth or the development of the seed planted by the Apostles would seem to be seriously objectionable. According to the Vatican Council [Vatican I] the Holy Father [pope] has been empowered to teach infallibly, not the growth or the development of the primitive Christian teaching, but the 'revelation delivered through the Apostles, or deposit of Faith' itself. What the Church teaches to the faithful in this year of 1953 is not a mere development of the teaching delivered to the Church of the Apostles. It is that very message, which has been propose

Pro-Gay Accomplice Faggioli Attacks all who aren't Complicit in Francis's Cover-up of Gay Predator McCarrick

Yesterday, the pro-gay Massimo Faggioli attacked three bishops who weakly or implicitly supported whistleblower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò's revelations that Francis covered-up for serial gay sex abuser Theodore McCarrick. The historian Faggioli by doing this showed he is a hardened accomplice to the Vatican sex abuse cover-ups. The pro-gay Faggioli revealed that he is a unyielding supporter of the intrinsic evil of homosexual sins when he attacked African Cardinal Robert Sarah for critiquing the gay activist Fr. James Martin. Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.

Guardian: Cdl. Pell "Raised the Possibility that Francis might be the 38th False Pope [Antipope]"

The leftist British Guardian in 2014 reported that Cardinal George Pell "raised the possibility that Francis might turn out to be the 38th false pope." The Guardian is a ultra pro-Francis publication and one of its former reporters has recently promoted the fake quote that claimed Benedict XVI said "The Pope is one; [he] is Francis" which LifeSiteNews apparently showed was not a quote. The leftist publication wrote: "Pell, published over the weekend a homily... Pope Francis, he said, was the 266th pope, "and history has 37th false or antipopes." "Why mention them, except to raise the possibility that Francis might turn out to be the 38 false pope." (The Guardian, "A Catholic Church schism under Pope Francis isn't out of the question," October 30, 2014) As everyone knows, a few years later, Pell ended up in prison on what Catholic commentator Patrick Coffin said "even Pell's ideological foes feel the verdict

Is Where Peter Is's Lewis "Proximate to Heresy" according to Vatican I Expert?

- Updated January 6, 2020 Mike Lewis of the Where Peter Is blog appears to believe that Francis's teaching allowing Communion for adulterers is infallible. Lewis who is a Pachamama and Francis apologist apparently thinks Francis cannot fall into heresy because he is definitely pope and "ALL" his "statements... are infallible": Here is what Vatican I expert Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD, in his book "Magisterial Authority" says to Lewis who it appears is "proximate to heresy": "[T]reat[ing] ALL papal statements as if they are infallible... is proximate to heresy because it rejects the precise formulation of the conditions of infallibility as laid out in by Vatican I... by essentially saying that the pope is infallible regardless of conditions." "... Worse still, those who were to follow a pope who was in error in a non-infallible teaching which is taught contrary to something that is infallible is not, therefore, excused.&q