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Showing posts from January 7, 2018

Is Pope Francis a "Atheist" according Pope John Paul II?

"When mortal men try to live without God, they infallibly succumb to megalomania or eratomania or both. The raised fist or the raised phallus; Nietzsche or D. H. Lawrence" (Malcolm Muggeridge) Certain teachings in Amoris Laetitia are exactly the opposite of Church doctrine in Familiaris Consortio as well as "explicitly atheist" and deny the existence of objective truth according to Veritatis Splendor. Father Raymond J. de Souza said: " Veritatis Splendor , entitled 'Lest the Cross of Christ Be Emptied of Its Power,' warns precisely against the view that the demands of the moral life are too difficult and cannot be lived with the help of God’s grace. Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia appears to be exactly what St. John Paul II had in mind in writing Veritatis Splendor . " [ ] The Pope's semi-official newspaper  L'Osservatore Romano wrote: "Ther

Obama's Gay Sexual Misconduct Accusations & Atheism

Is Barack Obama a homosexual? Recently, Sylvester Stallone said: Obama is a “closet homosexual” who “lived his whole pathetic life as a lie... I have nothing against homos, but I can’t stand liars .” “ Everybody who is anybody in Chicago knows all about the real Barack Obama ,” Stallone said on the set of  Creed 2 . “ I’ve spent a lot of time in Chicago and the stories you hear about that guy – wow. It just disturbs me and concerns me that we had a liar and a fraud in control for eight years. “ [ ] Remember when people were claiming that George W. Bush took cocaine. I don’t remember any of them saying they were willing to submit to a polygraph test or filing a suit in Minnesota District Court, alleging threats and intimidation by Bush's staff. Larry Sinclair was willing to submit to a polygraph test and is filing a suit in Minnesota District Court, alleging threats and intimida

Bishop René Henry Gracida says No to "Catholic" No-Fault Divorce

Bishop René Henry Gracida publicized a open letter to a canon law professor at Catholic U where the professor was asked to change his opinion tacitly condoning marital abandonment. Bishop Gracida was a friend of St John Paul II and Mother Angelica. He is Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, having served as the Fifth Ordinary, or Diocesan Bishop, of that Diocese from May 19, 1983 until retirement on April 1, 1997. THERE ARE NO WINNERS IN NO-FAULT DIVORCE, EVERYONE, INCLUDING SOCIETY LOSES (Bishop’s blog) - - - - - - - - -  No-Fault Divorce Fr. John Beal virtually says the civil courts should decide the obligations of parties in marriage break-up, and I found that the obligations must be determined by natural law, divine law, and canon law --- not no-fault divorce lawyers and government employees.  Today, I sent open letter to Fr. John Beal, canon law professor at Catholic University of America, because he virtually condones marital abandonment.  I’m a

Did Fr. Z say Amoris Laetitia Absolution is Sacrilegious as Explained by Coccopalmerio & Did Cocco change Act of Contrition?

Pope Francis's Vatican interpreter of Amoris Laetitia (AL) Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio said: AL "allows absolution... in the presence of an impossibility to change the condition of sin." (National Catholic Register, "Three Bishops Issue Profession of Truth About Sacramental Marriage," January 3, 2017) This statement is not just anathema by the Council of Trent as explained in a earlier post, but if I read Fr. Z rightly, it is a sacrilege. Fr. Zuhlsdorf posted: "However, if a person evince no firm purpose of amendment - that is, she clearly doesn't intend to avoid sin(s) again - then the priest cannot, must not, give absolution. His absolution would be... sacrilegious." (Fr. Z's Blog, "Can absolution be granted when no purpose of amendment exists?," January 15, 2017) It appears, if I am reading Fr. Z correctly, then the absolution that Pope Francis's Vatican interpreter of Amoris Laetitia Coccopalmerio is speaking of

Did Pope Francis's Lead Advisor on Refugees Sutherland's Goldman Sachs Create the ILLEGAL US ALIEN INVASION?

Pope Francis's lead advisor on refugees, migration and the Vatican Bank reform Peter Sutherland died on January 7. Who was Sutherland? What type of advise did he give to Francis? Did Sutherland's Goldman Sachs create the U. S. illegal alien invasion? Here are the answers to the above questions: -The conservative New American Reported: Former "chairman of Goldman Sachs International Peter Sutherland. Mr. Sutherland, an Insider’s Insider among the globalist banking establishment, was brought in to help “reform” the Vatican Bank, which was akin to putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank... Sutherland is a prominent political figure who is regularly described in media accounts as a “practicing Catholic,” which means he wears his religion when it is expedient to do so. As attorney general of Ireland, Sutherland helped to scuttle that Catholic country’s legal restrictions on abortion and favored the “LGBT rights” movement..." "Here are some of his