"Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared… scientists 'baffled'...Had the media... not pushed the Chinese Virus narrative, the presence of an alleged new virus probably never would have been apparent at all"
How The Covid-19 Vaccine Injected Billions Into Big Pharma - Forbes Sunshine Nov 18 Money is always the motive. Covid is now an industry unto itself. Jabs, pills, tests, needles, etc. Boosters, supplying other countries. A never-ending revenue stream. The public-private partnership needs to keep the illusion of a pandemic going..... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/17/us/covid-vaccines-supply.html?campaign_id=60&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news&ref=cta& regi_id=67060589&segment_id=74590&user_id=946b3eb5f3571706bfe41e8669b46ee9 - Unreported Truths website [ https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/another-major-red-flag-about-covid ] George Papadopoulos @GeorgePapa19 Very odd that covid barely “mutated” for a year, but once vaccines were rolled out, suddenly a whole Greek alphabet of “variants” appeared. But the unvaccinated are somehow to blame and are most at risk? Logic, folks. [https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19/status/1464633625811423233] [2020] S...