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Showing posts from June 25, 2023

Questions for Les Femmes' Priest: Could Francis be an Antipope even though the Majority of Cardinals claim he is Pope? & Where does he get the idea that Catholics have to treat a Papal Election as Valid until proven otherwise?

-  A Question on Sedevacantism and a Response Several visitor to the blog are committed sedevacantists who work very diligently and sometimes more vigorously than chartitably to convince readers they are right. I'm pretty loose about comments as long as people are respectful, but the discussions are occasionally more than I want to deal with. For that reason I'm not allowing comments on this post. If anyone wants to know about the sedevacantist position they can ask Google or Alexa. I am simply posting my question to a priest friend and his response. Make of it what you will. He pretty much confirmed my opinion on the subject. Below is my email and Father's answer. Read more » Posted by  Mary Ann Kreitzer   at  5:30 AM   No comments:    Labels:  sedevacantism  [] - Fr. Elwood Sylvester Berry (1879-1954) was professor at Mount St. Mary's Seminary...

Are Many Conservative Catholics who are Semi-Modernists now becoming Total Francis Modernist Heretics?

"Some... assembled [Council] prelates advocated... harsh measures towards the [Semi-Arian] Arianizers...  Athanasius, however, proposed more temperate measures... A decree was passed, that such  [Semi-Arian] bishops as had communicated with the Arians through weakness or surprise, should be recognized in their respective sees, on signing the Nicene formulary; but that those, who publicly defended the heresy, should only be admitted to lay-communion ... Yet it cannot be denied, that men of zeal and boldness were found among the [Semi-Arian] Arianizers. Two laymen, Flavian and Diodorus, protested with spirit against the [unambiguous Arian] heterodoxy of the crafty Leontius, and kept alive an orthodox [Catholic] party in the midst of the [Arian] Eusebian communion." (The Arians of the Fourth Century, By John Henry Newman, Pages 198-199)    'Yet the men were better than their creed; and it is satisfactory to be able to detect amid the impiety and worldliness of the heret...

Vlad Tepes Muslim rioter calls for killing police in France

Vlad Tepes Muslim rioter calls for killing police in France

Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith... Archbishop Fernández is the first non-Catholic prefect of the CDF It makes it so easy to spot the Ape of the Church He isn't even a Catholic...

weet See new Tweets Conversation Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith Just look at the nonsense preached by the new prefect of the CDF Archbishop Fernández is the first non-Catholic prefect of the CDF It makes it so easy to spot the Ape of the Church He isn't even a Catholic Quote Tweet Diane Montagna @dianemontagna · 10h Replying to @dianemontagna What does Archbishop Fernández believe? In a Sunday homily delivered on 5 March 2023, in his cathedral in La Plata, Argentina, he said the following: https:// oblefilo.php/2303080856-itenemos-la-misma-religion#more43685 … … h/t @messainlatino & @InfoCatolica 1:42 PM · Jul 1, 2023 · 933 Views