Post COVID-19, still wear a face mask? & @ggreenwald Another good article exploring the link between mental illness and "long COVID."... ones most afflicted with mental health struggles: Is liberal society making us ill?
Flashback from August 22, 2020
The coronavirus overwhelmingly kills elderly people.
It appears that the coronavirus mask might have a better chance of killing a non-elderly person than COVID-19:
"COVID-19... N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. If you wear a mask long enough, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening." []
"Because there are no warning signs of reduced oxygen concentrations, these environments are extremely dangerous. Effects of exposure to low oxygen concentrations can include giddiness, mental confusion, loss of judgment, loss of coordination, weakness, nausea, fainting, loss of consciousness and death"
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Is science saying that you have a greater chance of death and "mental confusion" because of the mask than of COVID?
Is the mask causing "mental confusion"?
So if this is true, then all surgeons and surgery staff would have damaged their lungs long ago. Some of the surgeries last an entire day. The mask thing is nuts on all sides of this issue. Good Lord, we have more serious issues to worry about.
First, since you are a COVID eternal mask wearing Karen, please answer this question:
Shouldn’t these masks be considered “toxic waste” - especially as they are supposedly trapping a virus so deadly we need bogus test to know we have it. Surely even muzzle wearers can see the blatant inconsistency here? Or is that simply too much to hope for?
Next, so "[i]f you wear a mask long enough" said the piece.
If "surgeons and surgery staff" like many female and male COVID hysteria Karens were to wear their masks all day long or most of the day and for months on end might they "damage their lungs" especially if they had other medical issues?
Think about it:
In the history of "all surgeons and surgery staff" mask wearing did they wear their masks all day long or most of the day and for months on end and maybe forever if your beloved pro-abortion Biden is elected.
Shouldn’t these masks be considered “toxic waste” - especially as they are supposedly trapping a virus so deadly we need bogus test to know we have it. Surely even muzzle wearers can see the blatant inconsistency here? Or is that simply too much to hope for?
Next, so "[i]f you wear a mask long enough" said the piece.
If "surgeons and surgery staff" like many female and male COVID hysteria Karens were to wear their masks all day long or most of the day and for months on end might they "damage their lungs" especially if they had other medical issues?
Think about it:
In the history of "all surgeons and surgery staff" mask wearing did they wear their masks all day long or most of the day and for months on end and maybe forever if your beloved pro-abortion Biden is elected.
Yes, promoters of the sacred "pro-life" and eternal mask are helping to promote the election of pro-abortion Biden.
Fred, remember, we will all answer for every word we utter. If you call people idiots or Karens, you must answer to the Lord. And Karen is being used in a derogatory manner by you. I too would like to t-off on people, and I have. But we need keep Christ's words in mind. Never said one must wear one 24/7. Don't know where that is required or mandated by anyone. I don't think anyone can say with absolute certainty that masks will help or not. So those who are against them may be wrong, and those who for them may be wrong. I do know, but masks have been used for a long, long time in the medical field, worn by people appear to be healthy, doctors and nurses. And they have also been used by the sick in the past. It was never an issue until now. Oh, by the way, I hate the mask. The only thing I seek is the truth. Not your truth, not my truth, but the truth. Some times the truth is not always apparent. I voted for Trump. Voted for Reagan twice. I am no liberal. My dad was a WWII combat vet in S. Pacific.
Karen means someone who complains. You were complaining about my post. I answered your complaining comment and you accussed me of calling you a "idiot" when I used a word that means you were complaining.
Please identify who you really are if you want to keep commenting on the Catholic Monitor.
Please identify who you really are if you want to keep commenting on the Catholic Monitor.
If you are a Trump supporter, I apologise for saying Biden is beloved by you. I agree objective truth is what is important. I will pray for you. Please, pray for me
Oh, Good Lord, no I do not support Joe. Glory be! I find communication to be difficult in these formats Fred. So much misunderstood. Poorly expressed by me. It would be far superior to do chew the fat over a brew! I will pray for you from the Heart of the Country.
Unknown, thank you for your prayers "from the Heart of the Country." I am praying for you from California.
I am saying exactly that for the months, since the beginning of the plandemic.
And I am not even a doctor nor scientist.