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Showing posts from November 3, 2019

Does Francis's Amoris Laetitia Smear Our Blessed Mother with the Taint of Sin?

The Catholic Monitor is honored to post the following short piece by Helen M. Weir, MI. She is a excellent writer as well as a Knight of the Immaculata (MI). This means she is a member of the Militia Immaculatae movement of Total Marian Consecration founded by Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the Hero of Auschwitz. "There must be a battle for the highest ideal." (Father Maximilian Koble) Who is that ideal?  The Immaculate Conception.  Why must there be such a battle?  Because Footnote 351 of Amoris laetitia smears Our Blessed Mother with the taint of our own sin, as though sanctification cannot or need not take place.  That is why the symbol of the alternate "queen," the false deity which the heretics would like to foist upon us in place of the true Queen of Heaven and earth, is nothing but a bowl of dirt. By blunting the ideal of Christian perfection, Bergoglio implicitly denies the Immaculate Conception--as, indeed, he does explicitly in other ways as we

Cd. Newman: “But we must Hope, for one is obliged to Hope it, that the Pope will be Driven from Rome, and will not continue the Council"

“But we must hope, for one is obliged to hope it, that the Pope will be driven from Rome, and will not continue the Council, or that there will be another Pope. It is sad he should force us to such wishes.”            (Newman’s Letter to Fr. Ambrose St. John, 22 August, 1870) By James Larson Our second article on John Henry Newman. It details the extraordinary malice which he displayed towards Pope Pius X, the Definition of Papal Infallibility, and the  Syllabus of Errors  (and the strangely desperate and clumsy subterfuges he used to try to undermine the latter). It also relates this malice to that which Pope Francis has displayed towards Traditional Catholics. The malice of both these men is rooted in the denial of the radiance and power of the Truths of Christ as contained in Catholic Doctrine. The above words, written approximately one month after the promulgation of the Dogma of Papal Infallibility on July 18, 1870, s

Francis's "God of Surprises [or"Chaos"] is no different than Pachamama"

Francis’s catch-phrase, “the God of Surprises” may have been borrowed from his fellow Jesuit, Fr. Gerard Hughes. Hughes wrote the enormously popular book, “God of Surprises”, which has been translated into 20 languages and gone through multiple printings since it was published in 1985. (Hughes credits Jesuit heretic Karl Rahner with coining the phrase “God of Surprises”.)   The theme of the book is just as much “chaos” as it is “surprises”. In fact an alternative title that Fr. Hughes considered bestowing upon his book was “Finding God in the Chaos”. The terms chaos and surprises each occur 21 times throughout the book. He seems to believe that chaos is a human necessity, in which the God of Surprises hovers over the turbulent waters of chaos and brings forth a new creation. “… I pray from the Scriptures  I am letting the spirit of God hover over the chaos and darkness of my being. When I allow the word of God to hover over my preoccupations, then anything can happen, for God is

Bp. Schneider: "[T]he Apostasy... Pope Francis, unfortunately, Defends" vs. St. Bellermine: "The Manifest Heretical Pope Ceases... to be Pope"

Bishop Athanasius Schneider, in his recent interview with Michael Matt on Remnant Video called "Defend & Resist," said about the Francis Vatican Pachamama idolatry: "[T]he apostasy... even Pope Francis, unfortunately, defends." Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine said: "The manifest heretical pope ceases per se to be pope... This is the opinion of all the ancient Fathers." Bishop Schneider who admits that Francis "defends" the "apostasy" or hersey of idolatry, unfortunately, claims a manifest heretical pope can not as Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales says be "deprived" of "the Apostlic See" by the Church. Why is Schneider a apologist of Francis's "apostasy" by defending the manifest heretical papacy of Francis against two Doctors of the Church and "all the ancient Fathers"? Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.

Hypocrisy: Race-baiting Francis of Racist Synod which called Indigenous too Stupid to "Understand Celibacy" calls Oppenents "Racist"

Today's LifeSiteNews headline was: "Pope Francis denounces Amazon Synod critics as racist." One of the agendas of the Amazon Synod besides paganistic idolatry was starting the process of ending celibacy in the Catholic Church by ending celibacy in the Amazon by racist patronizing. The means to accomplish this agenda was to say indigenous people are too stupid to "understand celibacy." One of the main architects of the Amazon Synod, the German Bishop Erwin Krautler let the cat out of the bag by using the following racist patronizing words: "There is no other option. The indigenous people don't understand celibacy." (Crux, "Synod drama features married priests, women deacons and 'ecological sins,'" October 9, 2019) Now, Francis, in pure hypocrisy, dares to call those who opposed his idolatrous and patronizingly racist Synod "racist." It is pure projection. As the Freudians would say, Francis is guilty of

Is Francis Excommunicated according to Canon 1364?

Does the present Catholic Church Code of Canon Law excommunicate Francis for his explicit heresy of allowing Communion for adulterers? The website states: "Can. 1364 §1. Without prejudice to the prescript of can. 194, §1 , n. 2 an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication; in addition, a cleric can be punished with the penalties mentioned in can. 1336, §1, nn. 1, 2, and 3." (www., Code of Canon Law - Book VI - Sanctions in the Church (Cann. 1364-1399)) Canon law expert Br. Alexis Bugnolo tipped the Catholic Monitor to canon 1364 in the comment section and stated: "I do not know why it is that since 2013 no one wants to cite Canon Law, have we all become anomians [lawless ones]." Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.

St. Jerome Agrees with St. Bellermine against Bp. Schneider & Condemns Francis's Amoris Laetitia

Bishop Athanasius Schneider claims "that a heretical pope can... lose office was alien to the first millennium." Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine says: "The manifest heretical pope ceases per se to be pope... This is the opinion of all the ancient Fathers." (Mahound Paradise Blog, "Who is Right, Athanasius Schneider or Robert Bellarmine?" October 30, 2019) Ancient Church Father St. Jerome agrees with Bellermine (that all Catholics who are manifest heretics be they laymen or popes "exclud[e] themselves from the Church spontaneously") against Schneider's opinion; and Jerome, also, condemns Francis's Amoris Laetitia: "Therefore it is said that the heretic has condemned himself; for the fornicator, the adulterer, the murderer and other sinners are expelled from the Church by the priests; but the heretics pronounce sentence against themselves, excluding themselves from the Church spontaneously." (, "

Is Conservative Cd. Rivera behind Fr. Romero's War against Francis's "Satanic Idol of Pachamama"?

On Sunday, Fr. Hugo Valdermar Romero, former spokeman for Cardinal Rivera Carrera who was the Archbishop of Mexico City from 1995 to 2017, burned replicated cardboard images of the Francis Vatican Pachamama idols. In a statement translated by Bishop Rene Gracida on his website, Romero explained why he burned the "satanic [Pachamama] idols": "[W]e, as, a protest and as a sign of reparation, burn this satanic idol of the Pachamama." In 2016, Francis attacked the pro-life and pro-family conservative Cardinal Rivera, whose spokesman at the time was Romero, and the Cardinal's Archdiocese of Mexico City newspaper responded saying Francis "received 'bad advice'" according to Wikipedia. Cardinal Rivera is the backbone of conservative Pope Benedict XVI Catholicism in Mexico. It is very probable that Fr. Romero has the backing of Rivera in rebuking the idolatry of the Francis Vatican. Under the leadership of Cardinal Rivera over 80

Does Catholic Answers support the Idolatry and Racism of the Francis Amazon Synod?

Catholic Answers Trent Horn said: "I said that I thought that that statue, some people have said that, 'Well, maybe it is Pachamama.' ” " I still don’t see good evidence for that. It doesn’t look like other artistic depictions of that Incan deity that I’ve seen. Other people put forward the hypothesis that this is just a symbol of life, a symbol of fertility, and so it’s just more of an abstract symbol like how a tree might be something you don’t worship, but it’s a symbol of plant life of the earth or things like that. What I said in last week’s podcast was that I wanted to take these people at their word that they said that this was our lady of the Amazon." [ ] Before we get to whether the Amazon Synod was racist, first we'll prove that there was idolatrous worship at the Vatican. Glolia.Tv reported in

"Germany was the Birthplace of 'Gay Rights'"

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party “As a Jewish scholar who lost hundreds of her family in the Holocaust, I welcome The Pink Swastika as courageous and timely . . . Lively and Abrams reveal the reigning “gay history” as revisionist and expose the supermale German homosexuals for what they were - Nazi brutes, not Nazi victims.” - Dr. Judith Reisman, Institute for Media Education [] Homosexuality and the Nazi Party by Scott Lively -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Lively is co-author of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuals and the Nazi Party (Keizer, Oregon: Founders Publishing Company, 1995). The Pink Swastika is not available through Leadership U., but is available by calling Jeremiah Films at 1-800-828-2290. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "gay rights" movement often portrays itself as an American phenomenon which aros

Evidence: Francis is a Modernist who Denies Truth

"[T]he [Modernist] Blondelian schema holds that justification for the faith is to be found by turning inwards to the personal experience of the human subject. This turn to the subject is characteristic of modern philosophy, from Descartes right up to the Idealism of Kant and Hegel and beyond, and presented a major challenge to the traditional Catholic apologetics... If it were the case that inner experience justified the faith, if each person was to find the proof of God’s existence within their own life, then what would be the basis for the teaching authority of the Church?" - Neo-Modernist AnthonyCarroll "Between [Modernist Maurice] Blondel's philosophy of action and Pope Francis' pastoral action, there are significant coincidence."- Francis's close longtime theological advisor Fr. Juan Carlos Scannone    At the Irving Convention Center in Texas on 2013, Pope Francis's closest adviser and collaborator Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiag