The Catholic Monitor is honored to post the following short piece by Helen M. Weir, MI. She is a excellent writer as well as a Knight of the Immaculata (MI). This means she is a member of the Militia Immaculatae movement of Total Marian Consecration founded by Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the Hero of Auschwitz. "There must be a battle for the highest ideal." (Father Maximilian Koble) Who is that ideal? The Immaculate Conception. Why must there be such a battle? Because Footnote 351 of Amoris laetitia smears Our Blessed Mother with the taint of our own sin, as though sanctification cannot or need not take place. That is why the symbol of the alternate "queen," the false deity which the heretics would like to foist upon us in place of the true Queen of Heaven and earth, is nothing but a bowl of dirt. By blunting the ideal of Christian perfection, Bergoglio implicitly denies the Immaculate Conception--as, indeed, he does explicitly in other ways as we