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Showing posts from March 12, 2017

Does Pope Francis Work for Soros & the UN?

-Updated July 22, 2017- A internationally respected investigator and attorney as well as the documented facts gives us the detailed answer below on whom the present Pope is really working for: Pope Francis on September 1, 2016 said he was "gratified that on September 2015 the nations of the world adopted the Sustainable Development Goals" which calls for universal access to abortion. Does this means that Francis is "gratified" about universal access to abortion because he made no qualifying exception to abortion in his endorsement then or to this day? Does the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals really plan universal access to abortion? Goal 6 of the United Nations (UN) Substantial Development Goals (SDG) states that nations must: "Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights." The UN Conference in Cairo in 1994 said "abortion (as specified in paragraph 8.25)" is a "basic component...

Pope Francis: Can Married Men in Adulterous "Irregular Relationships" be Ordained?

Pope Francis's close collaborator Cardinal Marx says married men in adulterous "irregular relationships" can receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Logically, the next question such be: Can married men in adulterous "irregular relationships" receive the sacrament of Holy Orders and be priests? Another question that should be asked is: Can men fornicating in cohabiting "irregular relationships" be ordained to the priesthood? After all, Francis said men cohabiting have "the grace of a real marriage." Pope Francis's apparent desire to ordain married men leads to many new possibilities that the saints could only have dreamed about in their nightmares.

Clownish New York Times: Gave Evidence Obama Wiretapped Trump Month before it Accused him of not having Evidence

The New York Times, March 4 headline: Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones On January 29, the Times headline was: Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides In this article the Times wrote that "wiretapping communications had been provided to the (Obama) White House" according to a American Spectator article. The March 7 article was titled "Mark Levin's homerun: liberal media admits government spied on wiretapped political opponents." Levin revealed that many elite media outlets were involved besides the Times in reporting on the American intelligence community's spying on the Trump campaign. Levin, former chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese, in the article said: "This is not about President Trump's tweeting; this is about the Obama administration spying...The issue isn't whether the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign...the issue is the extent of it." Despite the humor of ...