July 03, 2018 The digital newspaper based in Madrid, Spain called Público published “The Pope Covered Up Priest’s Abuse of My Son” on May 3, 2013 by reporter Ana Delicado, Buenos Aires Correspondent. Below this introduction is the translation into English by the liberal BishopAccountability.org which I think is faulty to some extent. Below it is the original Spanish version from the website called causabeatrizvarela.blogspot.com. Here is one paragraph, that in my opinion, is faulty in the liberal BishopAccountability.org translation into English: “"Bergoglio was aware of my complaint,"” she [Beatriz Varela] added. 'No one is given residence in a vicarage without the authorization of the Archbishop. Such is the commitment of Bergoglio, lip service or not,' she said." "She went on: 'Faced with cases of pedophilia, the Church acts by covering up the abuses with hypocrisy, lies, and complicity.'" This is the original Sp...