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Showing posts from March 17, 2024

Biden and Bergoglio What differentiates the Biden-Bergoglio plan from the Reagan-John Paul II project is the objective. Reagan and John-Paul strove to eradicate an evil, while the Biden-Bergoglio “campaign” seems to be geared toward unleashing evil."

Biden and Bergoglio  What differentiates the Biden-Bergoglio plan from the Reagan-John Paul II project is the objective. Reagan and John-Paul strove to eradicate an evil, while the Biden-Bergoglio “campaign” seems to be geared toward unleashing evil."

Raymond Ibrahim Iran’s ‘Word’ Is Worthless: Islam Permits Strategic Lying

Raymond Ibrahim Iran’s ‘Word’ Is Worthless: Islam Permits Strategic Lying

non veni pacem (Mark Docherty) FDA loses its war on ivermectin, agrees to remove all social media posts and false claims regarding ivermectin and COVID

non veni pacem (Mark Docherty) FDA loses its war on ivermectin, agrees to remove all social media posts and false claims regarding ivermectin and COVID

@EmeraldRobinson..early retirements of Ken Buck &Mike Gallagher are part of a scheme by the uniparty cabal to stop Trump from winning the 2024 election. How? They want to flip the House blue in time to nullify the electoral vote via the 14th Amendment.

Emerald Robinson  @EmeraldRobinson The early retirements of Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher are part of a scheme by the uniparty cabal to stop Trump from winning the 2024 election. How? They want to flip the House blue in time to nullify the electoral vote via the 14th Amendment. 6:32 AM · Mar 23, 2024 · 215.8K Views

Might the Rampolla/Pope Leo XIII Rerum Novarum have started a "Rights Ideology... at once universalist & relativist" with "Rights" Language that helped "allowed men like [Francis &] McCarrick to flourish"?

Edward Feser @FeserEdward Really, this isn’t hard. When, on a matter of faith or morals, popes speak ex cathedra , or when they simply reiterate what has always been taught by the Church for millennia, they are infallible. When they make novel utterances in a non- ex cathedra context, they can err. Quote A.A. @madlabrador_ · 7h Replying to @FeserEdward So the sitting pontiff can teach errors in matters of faith and morals then? I thought that he’s incapable of such feat according to Pastor Aeternus. Being honest here: either Francis is longer the pope or the gates of hell has prevailed. Show more 12:18 PM · Mar 19, 2024 · 7,196 Views 16, 1913, Rome, Italy) Italian prelate who played a notable role in the liberalization of the Vatican under Leo XIII.  Mariano Rampolla | Pope Leo XIII, Vatican, Cardinal - Britannica "Cardinal Rampolla was the origin even earlier (the Secretary of State of Leo XIII), as he was accused of occult membership when he was elected pope in 1903 and then...