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Showing posts from January 31, 2021

"Why [did] Authorities immediately Claim... President Donald Trump had 'Incited' the Riot... when we now know much of the Violent Behavior was Pre-Meditated" according to the NY Times?

The National Pulse news outlet asked two questions after the "A New York Times report has let the cat out of the bag: that law enforcement either knew and did nothing about the potential for violence on January 6th, or issued conflicting and inconsistent threat assessments ahead of the events at the U.S. Capitol": "[W]hy [did] authorities allowed a predominantly peaceful Trump speech and rally in Washington, D.C. to be infiltrated and overtaken by forces who had planned for violence in advance" "[W]hy [did] authorities immediately claim... President Donald Trump had 'incited' the riot with his speech at the Ellipse outside the White House when we now know much of the violent behavior was pre-meditated"? The National Pulse reported: The New York Times reported on Friday afternoon: On Jan. 4, the intelligence division of the U.S. Capitol Police issued a report listing all the groups known to be descending on the city… The documents show ...


Lawyer Scott Lively presents the case that Governor Andrew Cuomo is guilty of murder:   The Murder Trial of Andrew Cuomo  (An Opinion Piece in the Form of an Opening Statement -- May 18, 2020) In the matter of The People v Andrew Cuomo, on the charge of murder, I am Attorney Scott Lively, representing The People. You have been empaneled as the jury in this matter, and it will be your job to determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant in this case, Mr. Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, on the charge of murder in the deaths of thousands of elderly Americans who lost their lives in nursing homes as a consequence of infection with Covid 19 disease caused by exposure to infected individuals intentionally discharged from hospitals and placed in these homes. These initial facts are uncontested and news reports have informed the entire world of the great human tragedy suffered by these victims and their families. But the question before yo...