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Showing posts from December 18, 2016

Cdl Burke: "If a Pope would Formally Profess Heresy he would Cease, by that Act, to be Pope. It's Automatic"

On December 19, in an interview with The Catholic World Report, Cardinal Burke said Pope Francis were he to "formally profess heresy" would "cease to be Pope. It's automatic." Burke said only members of the College of Cardinals are competent to declare Pope Francis to be in heresy. If Pope Francis ceased to be Pope because he formally professed heresy and was declared a heretic by the Cardinals then the same discipline or rules that happened when Pope Benedict XVI resigned from the papacy would be followed according to Cardinal Burke. The Cardinal, also, said: "I am not saying Pope Francis is in heresy. " However, Burke said there can't be a pastoral situation for the divorced and remarried to receive communion. That pastoral situation "doesn't honor the truth taught by Christ Himself in the Gospel." The Cardinal, moreover, said Pope Francis's Amoris Laetitia is ambiguous to permit "a practice which has never been ...

Dementia: 2016 Pope Francis made 100 Degree Reversal of 2013 Francis Position on Divorced Communions

Back in July 28, 2013  CNA/EWTN News reported that Pope Francis was against his apparent current position on giving communion to the divorced and remarried. CNA/EWTN wrote: "He criticized the ' gnostic solution' of elite groups of 'enlightened Catholics' who offer a 'higher spirituality.' He said some advocates of ordaining nuns to the priesthood or of giving communion to the divorced and remarried fall into this error."[ ] The Pope at the beginning of his office knew the difference between infallible Catholic doctrine and his personal opinion. Francis appears to possibly be falling into dementia. Besides Francis's current apparent confusion between his opinion, Church teaching and objective facts, might the Pope's many expressions of anger at those who follow the teachings of Pope John Paul II and the 2,000 years teachings of the C...

Pope Francis "Not Against" Gnostic Pelagian Enneagram of Occult Origin

Pope Francis according Austen Ivereigh, his biographer, "knows the enneagram well and is not against it." The enneagram is a gnostic Pelagian practice of occult origin according to occult and New Age expert Fr. Mitch Pacwa. Pacwa says: " I have two criticisms [of Enneagram]. First, it's theological nonsense, suffused with Gnostic ideas. For instance, the nine points of the Enneagram are called the "nine faces of God," which become nine demons turned upside down. No one should speak that way. . . . And the way the Enneagram is taught is Pelagian -- self-salvation through a man-made technique, not by God's grace. " " Secondly, this is a psychological system that hasn't been tested by professional psychologists. We have no independent evidence that it's true. As a result, Enneagram experts -- who aren't necessarily aware of the occult aspects -- are making up descriptions as they go along. It's irresponsible to ...

Rosary Saved USA and USSR from Nuclear War, it can Save the Church from the Kasper/Pope Francis Crisis

On EWTN's Fatima series, Fr. Apostoli said that the Rosary and Our Lady saved the world from the Russia's hydrogen bomb rocket, which he said may have been represented in the Third Secret of Fatima as Our Lady stopping the angel from covering the world with flames.   The rosary saved the USA and the USSR from nuclear war, it can save the Church from the Kasper/Pope Francis Crisis. Please pray the rosary and offer your Masses for the Four Cardinals, Pope Francis and most of all for the Church in this crisis. The Soviets, however, did not give up on their plans to take over western countries. Five years later Nikita Krushev visited the United Nations Headquarters in New York City and boasted that he would bury the United States and the Western world. And to emphasize his point, he took off his shoe and pounded it on top of the table. The West seemed in danger of a Soviet ta...