@wideawake_media Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, dispels the myth perpetuated by climate totalitarians that we are in a "climate emergency": "There is zero evidence that a CO2 increase in the atmosphere is the cause of rising temperature. None whatsoever."
Wide Awake Media @wideawake_media Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, dispels the myth perpetuated by climate totalitarians that we are in a "climate emergency": "There is zero evidence that a CO2 increase in the atmosphere is the cause of rising temperature. None whatsoever." Original video: https:// youtube.com/watch?v=E5K5i5 Wv7jQ … #ClimateScam #ClimateCult #NetZero #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #GreatReset 1:50 50.9K views 7:40 AM · Apr 29, 2023 · 128.9K Views