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Showing posts from April 23, 2023

@wideawake_media Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, dispels the myth perpetuated by climate totalitarians that we are in a "climate emergency": "There is zero evidence that a CO2 increase in the atmosphere is the cause of rising temperature. None whatsoever."

Wide Awake Media @wideawake_media Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, dispels the myth perpetuated by climate totalitarians that we are in a "climate emergency": "There is zero evidence that a CO2 increase in the atmosphere is the cause of rising temperature. None whatsoever." Original video: https:// Wv7jQ … #ClimateScam #ClimateCult #NetZero #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #GreatReset 1:50 50.9K views 7:40 AM · Apr 29, 2023 · 128.9K Views

Fr. D. E. Meikle: Francis... says one thing about abortion & gender & then appoints folks who teach the opposite. He hugs [abortionist] Emma Bonino, calls her great & allowed pachamama"

+D.E. Meikle   ☧ @FrDEMeikle Francis is wrong about the environment, the global economy, the death penalty, and migrants. He says one thing about abortion and gender and then appoints folks who teach the opposite. He hugs Emma Bonino, calls her great and allowed pachamama and Abrahamic temples. We should pray for Francis. He may well convert to the Old Faith and help expose all of the Luciferian machinations he has been complicit in, or even encouraged. We may all have different views on Francis validity or licitity, but anyone who thinks he is a good pope is not likely to see heaven. Why? Because to think so means you have to reject the Faith that was held for almost 2,000 yrs. The Faith Our Lord gave us and the Church that He founded. Lord Jesus sort out the mess we have gotten ourselves into through our infidelity. May the Angelus bell ring out again. May we restore the Old Mass and Old Faith as normative. May we subject our society to Jesus Christ the King. May...

non veni pacem (Mark Docherty) St. Catherine of Siena: A laywoman called by God to rebuke an antipope who was invalidly “elected” while the throne was already occupied

non veni pacem (Mark Docherty) St. Catherine of Siena: A laywoman called by God to rebuke an antipope who was invalidly “elected” while the throne was already occupied

Flashback on Consigned to Oblivion Burke "Formal Correction" of Francis's Magisterial Communion for Adulterers & St. Catherine's Advice to Cdl. Burke: Do God's Will & Don't Fear Schism

Confusion explodes as Pope Francis throws magisterial ... Rome, December 4, 2017 ( LifeSiteNews ) – Retired Catholic Bishop of Corpus Christi TX, Rene Henry Gracida  said on his blog  over the weekend, “Francis’ heterodoxy is now official .” [] LifeSiteNews, " Confusion explodes as Pope Francis throws magisterial weight behind communion for adulterers," December 4, 2017 :  The AAS guidelines explicitly allows "sexually active adulterous couples facing 'complex circumstances' to 'access the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.'" "Regarding a possible formal correction , which Burke said he was willing to do if the pope continued to refuse to answer the question submitted last September " - Crux [] " Burke reiterated t...