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Showing posts from November 8, 2020

Epoch Times: "20 Reasons Election 2020 Is Far From Over"

Former National Review writer and author Michael Walsh, the editor of, wrote the following analysis titled "20 Reasons Election 2020 Is Far From Over" for The Epoch Times. The Catholic Monitor gives just a few of Walsh's reasons of why the 2020 election "is far from over." If you want to learn what the other reasons are you'll have to subscribe to The Epoch Times: [1]. If the election results are still in doubt by Dec. 8—as they might well be—the Trump campaign could ask the state legislatures in the disputed battleground to set aside the tainted tallies and use their plenary powers under Article 1, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution to appoint and certify slates of electors favorable to the GOP. [2]. Republicans now fully control 24 states, in which they have both houses of the legislature and the state house, including the battleground states of Arizona and Florida. Meanwhile, in Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Wisco...

Exorcist Fr. Ripperger: “The Psychology of Communists and Demons is Practically Identical”

  Spiritual Warfare and Communism   “The psychology of communists and demons is practically identical..”, Exorcist, Fr. Ripperger, explains in his new video series titled “Spiritual Warfare and Communism”. Here he discusses the similarities between the psychology, behaviors, attitudes, and tactics used commonly among demons, marxists and communists, all ultimately aimed to demoralize, weaken and control of others.  His series is broken into four parts, and each part is subdivided into multiple short video segments that range between 2-8 minutes in length. A full list of the topics Father Ripperger covers in his videos series are as follows:  Part I: Introduction  Segment 1: Ways of Attack 2: Attack on the Imagination 3: Clarity 4: Constant Reminders 5: Falsity 6: Culpability  7: Deny Existence 8: Rebrand 9: Abuse of Language  Part II Segment 1: Perception Management 2: Rules 3: The Accuser 4: Impugn 5: Persecute the Innocent  6: Bad Moti...

"28 STATES send Election Results to a Remote Server in Frankfurt, Germany... having the Ability to Switch Votes, "UNDETECTED"

Former Associate Product/Writer with Fox News Kyle Becker says says " 28 STATES send election results to a remote server in Frankfurt, Germany...  having the ability to switch votes, "UNDETECTED" :  Kyle Becker @kylenabecker SCYTL. 28 STATES send election results to a remote server in Frankfurt, Germany, according to election security expert Russell Ramsland. The servers are based on SCYTL software, exposed by MIT Tech as having the ability to switch votes, "UNDETECTED." Here's how:   aaa  [] Pray an Our Father now for the grace to know God's Will and to do it.   Pray an Our Father now for President Donald Trump and justice in the United States of America. Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary . Note: A good friend of the Catholic Monitor got this from a group message. She said ...

"The Georgia Recount May Be As Corrupt As The Election Itself"

ZERO HEDGE reported that the Georgia recount may be "corrupt": On Friday morning, Georgia began to recount the votes it received on November 3.   However, within a short time, reports came in that the recount process was being conducted with as little respect for transparency as the original vote count.  Without that transparency, this recount is a waste of taxpayer time and money. Before getting to the problem with the recount itself, we need to be sure we're all on the same page about what's happening in Georgia, so some background is necessary.  In my post about the  two different types of election fraud , I explained that the first type of fraud goes to ballot legitimacy .. . ... The refusal to check signatures or otherwise try to validate mail-in ballots has created hugely anomalous rejection rates.   Typically, Georgia rejects 3.5% of absentee ballots because they cannot be validated.  This year, says Morris, the r...

Newsmax Editor explains the current "Psychological [Political] War": Trump vs. the Media & "Corruption of the Election Process & the People who Control it"

- " Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women when it dies there. No constitution, no law, no court can do much to help it . - Learned Hand - "This was written at 4 a.m. EST on Nov. 4 [on election night]. The president appears almost certain to emerge with the majority of electoral votes; he has substantial leads compared to the number of votes outstanding, in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Alaska , and the single district in Maine; Nevada is uncertain, but he is the favorite in all of the other states just mentioned." "His statement in the White House a few minutes ago effectively accusing his enemies of causing a delay of vote-counting in all of the states enumerated, with fraudulent intent, is an example of the Trumpian practice, in Irish football terms, of “getting his retaliation in first.” But it is also probably a fair summary of what is being attempted in some cases." "It is technically possible but unlikely that his...

1994 New York Time: "Federal Judge today took the Rare Step of Invalidating the Vote... [Philadelphia] Democratic Campaign Workers Forged Absentee Ballots"

" The only folks usually afraid of audits are the Madoffs [scammers]of the world. Why are so many election officials afraid of an audit of the signatures of the absentee ballots?" - Attorney Robert Barnes New York Times: "Vote-Fraud Ruling Shifts Pennsylvania Senate" (February 19, 1994, Section 1, Page 1) In 1994 [like in 2020], massive vote fraud happened in Philadelphia in which "a Federal judge today took the rare step of invalidating the vote" according to the New York Times... Democratic campaign workers forged absentee ballots. On many of the ballots, they used the names of people who were living in Puerto Rico or serving time in prison, and in one case, the voter had been dead for some time": Saying Philadelphia's election system had collapsed under "a massive scheme" by Democrats to steal a State Senate election in November, a Federal judge today took the rare step of invalidating the vote and ordered the seat filled by t...

Call Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp saying "we want an Audit of only Legal Ballot"

Call Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp saying " we want an audit of only legal ballot": Lin Wood @LLinWood   Freedom Loving Americans in Georgia MUST increase pressure on Governor @BrianKempGA to call a special session of GA legislature to deal with fraudulent & unlawful 11/3 election. Why is Kemp just giving us lip service? Why is Kemp not fighting for the People & @realDonaldTrump ?   President-Elect We Win @We_Win_All Replying to @LLinWood Georgia @BrianKempGA is SELLING us out! Call his office now! #RT +1-404-656-1776 Tell him we want an audit of only legal ballots. They are counting the fake ones! #BLOWTHISUP [] Pray an Our Father now for President Donald Trump and justice in the United States of America. Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary . Note: A good friend of the Catholic Monitor got this...

Viganò on Vatican claim that he never told Francis about McCarrick: That's "Absolutely False"

On the EWTN Raymond Arroyo show "World Over," Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former papal representative to the United States, said that contrary to the Francis Vatican McCarrick Report that the McCarrick scandal is the responsibility of Francis and those who helped him come to power such as Cardinal Angelo Sodano . Viganò when asked by Arroyo if the report and Francis claim that he never told Francis about ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's predator behavior is true, he said the claim is "Absolutely false." ( World Over, Archbishop Viganò – "'Bergoglio Is To The Deep Church as Biden Is To The Deep State,'" 6:12) [ ] Below is evidence to support his testimony on the responsibility of Francis and those who helped him come to power such as Cardinal Sodano :  W reported that  Pope Benedict XVI   put M...