The Hill: "Two Computers... contained Names, Addresses, Birthdates and Driver’s License Information for Every Voter in the State" of Georgia Stolen
In September, The Hill reported "two computers containing statewide... used to check in voters and contained names, addresses, birthdates and driver’s license information for every voter in the state" of Georgia were stolen":
Two computers containing statewide voter data were stolen
from an Atlanta polling site on Tuesday ahead of a vote for a city
school board election.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports
the computers were used to check in voters and contained names,
addresses, birthdates and driver’s license information for every voter
in the state, but not social security numbers, according to Fulton
County elections director Richard Barron.
The computers were stolen from a locked and sealed case and have yet to be recovered. []
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Note: A good friend of the Catholic Monitor got this from a group message. She said "exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger is asking everyone to say this prayer until the election is resolved":
Prayer of Command