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Showing posts from 2010

Write to Spiritual Descendants of the Original Hermits on Mount Carmel for Prayer

Welcome to the Roman Catholic Hermits of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! PRAISE + JESUS! Our Dear Friend in Jesus, We are Spiritual Descendants of the original Hermits on Mount Carmel, the roots of the Carmelite Order of the Ancient Observance. With great joy, hope and love, we come to share with you our life of unceasing prayer in the desert in communion with Jesus Christ, our Good News! Each of us, as a Hermit of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, strives to live in Christ a life of unconquerable faith in the living God. "Pure in heart and steadfast in conscience, we must be unswerving in the service of our Master" — Rule of St. Albert. Ours is a Divine Call to be the praying, healing, forgiving Christ in the Heart of the Church for the sanctification and salvation of priests and all our brothers and sisters in the human family – Constitutions #2. Whoever you are and wherever you are, know that we are praying for you day and night. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of Man shed His

Charismatics vs. Catholics Charismatics vs. Catholics Alaric I would like to hear more opinions on the Charismatic movement. From the outside looking in (for the most part), it seems to me that this movement is full of liturgical abuses, new-age theology, and spiritual guidance based purely on feelings. (Mt. 7:20) What I am trying to do is... I Jn. 4:1 "Dearly beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits if they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." "Who in our day expects that those on whom hands are laid so that they may receive the Holy Spirit should forthwith speak with tongues....These signs were adapted to the times. For there behooved to be that betokening of the Spirit in all tongues to show that the Gospel of God was to run through all the tongues over the earth. But that thing was done for the betokening, and it has passed away." -St. Augustine, What are your thought

Stopping Abortions at Death’s Door

Fred Marinez, Perhaps this book could be used in a story for your journal? Rod Murphy A new book, Stopping Abortions at Death’s Door, published by Taig Publishing, Southbridge, MA is available at It gives much detailed information on how to fight abortion and start or move a pregnancy resource center next door to an abortion “clinic”. This method, if applied nationally, will save hundreds of thousands of babies. The author Roderick P. Murphy has spent almost 30 years as the director of a Massachusetts pro-life pregnancy center and provides help regarding fundraising, recruiting volunteers, how to find office space next door to abortionists, sidewalk counseling and much more. The book is available only at Amazon and the link is

Media Spin on Pope Benedict's Condom Comment is a Lie

So is the Holy Father saying it is morally good for male prostitutes to use condoms? The Holy Father is not articulating a teaching of the Church about whether or not the use of a condom reduces the amount of evil in a homosexual sexual act that threatens to transmit HIV. The Church has no formal teaching about how to reduce the evil of intrinsically immoral action. We must note that what is intrinsically wrong in a homosexual sexual act in which a condom is used is not the moral wrong of contraception but the homosexual act itself. In the case of homosexual sexual activity, a condom does not act as a contraceptive; it is not possible for homosexuals to contracept since their sexual activity has no procreative power that can be thwarted. But the Holy Father is not making a point about whether the use of a condom is contraceptive or even whether it reduces the evil of a homosexual sexual act; again, he is speaking about the psychological state of some who might use condoms. The int

Write to the Carmelites if you need Prayers for Yourself or your Family

Stop for a moment of silence, ask God what He want you to do next. Make this a practice. By doing this you are doing more good than reading anything here or anywhere else on the Internet. [ ] [ ] [ ] Addresses of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in UNITED STATES Web Sites: Association of Mary,Queen of Carmel: Oklahoma - Piedmont Cleveland Heights, OHIO Texas - San Antonio Reno US association of monasteries: Association of Mary,Queen of Carmel: Beacon NY Carmel CA Covington Sugarloaf PA

Victim: Father was Paid by Kinsey to Rape her and Report to him on the Attacks SEXUAL SABOTAGE Stunner! Kinsey paid my father to rape me Subject of 1940s 'research' goes public with horrific details of abuse by dad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: October 17, 2010 7:42 pm Eastern By Brian Fitzpatrick © 2010 WorldNetDaily Editor's note: The following report is part of WND's ongoing, multipart investigation into alleged crimes committed by sex-research pioneer Alfred Kinsey and his Kinsey Institute. WASHINGTON – A victim of sexologist Alfred Kinsey's "research" during the 1940s is coming forward with the stunning claim that her father was paid by Kinsey, universally regarded as the "father of the sexual revolution," to rape her and then report to him on the attacks. Nearly 70 years after being molested repeatedly by her own father, "Esther White" (a pseudonym) is speaking out in hope of prompting Congr

Does Ralph Martin Brings a False Spirit into the Catholic Church?

Stop for a moment of silence, ask God what He want you to do next. Make this a practice. By doing this you are doing more good than reading anything here or anywhere else on the Internet. Are Ralph Martin and Charismatics really bringing a false spirit? I been listening to him and he appears faithful to the teachings of the Catholic. In fact, I've learn much about the spiritual teachings of the church doctors and saints from him. Three popes have acknowledged the movement. I really would like it at the very least if someone answered my problem and Bishop Sheen and Father Hardon's problem with Pentecostals or Charismatics. This is my problem. Anyone with some knowledge of the church fathers of the first centuries until the 1900's knows only heretical sects were Pentecostals or Charismatics. A good primer is Monsignor Ronald Knox's "Enthusiasm." A short list of heretical sects are Mormons, Brethren of the Free Spirit, Ranters, Shakers and First Century Montanism