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Showing posts from August 14, 2022

St. Bernard's "Vengeance" on Satan in his Journey to end the Antipapacy of Antipope Anacletus & "I keep hearing that Antipapacies can only be determined after the putative Pope in question is dead. So why bother worrying about this now?"

Saint Bernard Vanquishing the Devil ... Q: Ann, I keep hearing that Antipapacies can only be determined after the putative Pope in question is dead. So why bother worrying about this now? A: This contention is what is known at Fordham Law School as “making **** up out of whole cloth”. I believe it is a second year course. Here is Christopher Ferrara, a vocal proponent of this madness, in the Remnant a while back: Here, however, we encounter the question whether the Holy Ghost has allowed the Church to be afflicted for a time by a de facto antipope whose election cannot be contested and whose papacy must be presumed valid until such time as a successor Pope or Council declares otherwise.  On that vexed issue, in my view, we can have nothing definitive to say, meaning nothing by which the Church as a whole could gain operative certitude and proceed accordingly. What is certain, however, is that this Pope must be opposed in his efforts to undermine the Faith.