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Showing posts from June 24, 2018

Communist/Nazi-like Brown Shirt Maxine Waters "Coming for You Next": Republicans, Christians, Pro-lifers & Free Speech

After Rep. Maxine Waters incendiary Communist/Nazi-like remarks, Breitbart reported that Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams who isn't a Republican and doesn't vote said that he will be voting and declared if you want "free speech" vote: "[T]hey're coming for you next. And they're not hiding it... The one and only way to protect yourself is to make sure they lose the election." Waters declared: "[They] won't be able to go to a restaurant... turn on them... harass them until they decide that they're going to tell the president, "No, I can't hang with you." (Breitbart, "Nancy Pelosi: Maxine Waters Comments "Unacceptable'- and Trump's Fault," June, 25, 2018)