Prayer Needed: Is the Reason as Viganò said Francis "Lie[d]... about McCarrick"; & has Lied for Six Years is because he may be Afraid of Punishment Now more than Eternally?
Updated: May 28, 2019 Today, on LifeSiteNews, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò said "What the Pope said... is a lie... about McCarrick." In OnePeterFive, on April 4, 2019, renowned historian Roberto De Mattei said the "Francis Pontificate: Six Years of 'Hypocrisy and Lies.'" The famous psychologist Paul Ekman, named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine, wrote: "My data [shows]... To avoid being punished. This is the most frequently mentioned motivation for telling lies." (, "Why do People Lie? 9 Motivates for telling Lies," September 26, 2018) Francis should go to confession because he appears to fear the punishment of public humiliation now more than eternal punishment. It appears that we may need to pray that he goes to confession to be absolved of his sins against the Eighth Commandment with a firm purpose of amendment not to sin anymore or as in the post "Catholi