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Showing posts from August 28, 2022

Did Pope Pius XII Condemned the teachings of Francis & De Lubac as "False Mysticism"?

  Justina said… In Diane Montana's article at Lifesite this morning, on the subject of Synod funding derived from the pro-abortion Ford Foundation,a spokesman for REPAM is quoted as offering by way of defense that the Synod itself is pro-life. What he means by this, however, is that "everything around us is life." If that doesn't smack of the panentheism of which you speak, nothing does. Let us not overlook, however, the fact that Pius XII was the Pope who had to contend with the anti-life excesses associated with the Second World War. De Lubac himself, in other words, may have been more of a symptom than a cause. Where did his conflation of nature and grace, and the subsequent deification of "Nature" as an entity and end in and of itself, come from in the first place? From compromise with the spirit of his age. From the worldview of a man who called Nature his "cruel Queen." In short, straight from the pages of Mein Kampf its