Now that ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been laicized, or removed from the priesthood, the question that remains: Is Pope Francis a McCarrickist and a Homosexualist? If Francis is a McCarrickist and Homosexualist that doesn't mean he is a gay sex abusing predator. It means that like McCarrick, and his close American bishop associates, he protected and covered-up for predators as well as promotes a homosexual and sexual moral agenda counter to the infallible Catholic moral teachings. McCarrick and his collaborators at the 2014 Synod on the Family were the biggest pushers of Communion for those in an objective state of adultery which according to Fr. Z is only a means to eventually make the intrinsically evil sexual act of homosexuality acceptable. Francis used McCarrick collaborators and that Synod to eventually produce his papacy's center piece document Amoris Laetitia which apparently is ultimately a ploy to make homosexuality acceptable which Francis&