Author Vernon Coleman wrote that those who push the COVID lockdowns are promoting Chrislam: "Am I the only one to have noticed that, purely by accident of course, we are becoming a curiously Muslim looking society? Our churches are shut, we are told we must cover our faces, our pubs are shut, parties are banned, an attempt was made to stop the sale of Easter eg gs and make - up is considered a ‘ non - essential’. This comment is not in any way intended as a criticism of the Muslim religion but merely a suggestion that maybe our society is being redirected towards something called Chrislam." [file:///C:/Users/Fred/AppData/Local/Temp/normal_608c70a1bb6e1.pdf] Is COVID hysteria Francis promoting Chrislam? Last year, CNS News reported that "Archbishop Carlo Vigano, the former Vatican ambassador to the United States, said this idea [of Francis] is a 'blatant heresy' and a 'terrible blasphemy'": In reference to a document signed by Muslim Imam Ahmad