I vote for hopeful. In the deepest darkness thinkable the father chooses life and goodness for his son despite the stark realness of despair as the he dies and everything around him appears to be dying. This is the dark night of the soul in our death culture. The love of the father and his choice for good made me think this is the best book I've read since Lord of the Rings. Fred http://forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?t=263597 The Road, Cormac McCarthy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I just finished this book today. Was required to read it for class. And I cried ...boy is it depressing and is so hopeless. Does anybody have other views of the book that I might be missing? I'm looking for hope in it...I feel like it's wrong for something to have so little hope in God. Has anybody else read this book? holly_potter View Public Profile Find all posts by holly_potter #2 Aug 26, '08, 2:43 am Sam Maloney Regula