Fr. George Rutler in his 2017 Crisis article said Fr. Antonio Spadaro, and by implication Francis since both he and Spadaro are liberal Jesuits, "grew up in a theological atmosphere of... Transcendental Thomism [which] was Karl Rahner's attempt to wed Thomistic realism with Kantian idealism. Father Stanley Kaki, theologian and physicist, called this stillborn hybrid 'Aquikantianism.'" (Crisis, "The Mathematical Innovations of Father Spadaro," February 22, 2017) Both the liberal Jesuits: Spadaro and Francis it appears are total relativists, as are most Jesuits and all liberal theologians. Rahner's "Foundation of Theological Study: A Sourcebook" says: "The German Jesuit Karl Rahner (1904-1984) remains one of most influential theologians of the twentieth century." (Foundation of Theological Study: A Sourcebook,>books) Rahner was a disciple of Kant as Rutler said. Jaki, also, makes this clear in h...