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Showing posts from August 25, 2019

Francis Unites Lettergate Fake News Promoter with Disinformation China Propagandist Sorondo in Job Promotion

Today, Francis according to the Catholic News Agency gave a job promotion to the mastermind of the Lettergate disinformation scandal Msgr. Dario Edoardo Vigano to be vice chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. (CNA, "Former Vatican  communication chief named vice chancellor the Academy of Sciences," August 31, 2019) The Lettergate Fake News promoter Msgr. Vigano joins disinformation China propagandist Msgr. Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo who is the chancellor of the two above Pontifical Academies according to Wikipedia. Sorondo, who is a close aide to Francis, is infamous for his praises of the totalitarian Communist Chinese regime and by implication the disgraceful Francis-China deal which Cardinal Joseph Zen said is the "suicide" of the underground Chinese Catholic Church. Disinformation promoter Sorondo scandalously praised totalitarian "China for 'best implementing the social doctrine of the Chur...

I wish I could Attend daily TLM & how I survive the NO Masses

I love attending the Mass of Masses: the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). I, also, love attending daily Mass, but because of work and time constrains I am forced to go mostly to Novus Ordo (NO) Masses on weekdays. I am in paradise at the Sunday TLM, but I must go to purgatory for the weekday NO Masses. The way I survive the NO Mass is by pretending I am at the TLM. I make zero responses and am silent at the entirety of the NO Mass. I pray the Our Father and creed silently. At the NO Mass I don't shake hands, but if someone comes to me then I will respectfully nod to them if they are next to me and are attemping the apparent other central moment, for many, of the NO Mass: the handshake. I pray my rosary, silently, before the readings and often during what apparently many NO priests symbolically seem to think is the central part of the NO Mass: the homily. I knee during the Holy Consecration when Our crucified Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ is made present by the sacred w...

Is Francis a Pentecostal?

On June 14, the Jesuit America's headline was: "Is Francis our first charismatic [Pentecostal] pope?" In the above article by pro-Francis Austen Ivereigh, the answer was: "[N]o pope has ever identified as closely with the Catholic Charismatic [Pentecostal] Renewal, nor been so keen to move it to the front and center in the church." Francis as a cardinal "dropped to his knees on stage to receive the 'blessing' from well-known Charismatic [Pentecostal] Father Raniero Castalamessa OFM and a number of Protestants [apparently Pentecostals] pastors." (Catholic Family News, "Pope Francis, Pentecostals and Interreligious Action, May 10, 2013) Francis who never kneels in front of God in the Blessed Sacrament kneeled for a Pentecostal "blessing." Apparently, for Francis Pentecostalism is more important than God in the Blessed Sacrament. Is Francis a Pentecostal? It appears that Francis may be the reason that Catholics are...

Communists & Modernists believe in "Equality" and Mass Murder

Our Lady of Fatima warned about the errors of Russia that can be summed up as the idolatry of "equality" which leads to mass murder. The Communists to achieve their utopia of "equality" murdered millions upon millions. The Modernists to achieve their utopia of the "equality" of all men above God promoted the evil ideas: - that man is greater than God: man's subjective conscience is greater than God's moral law or Amoris Laetitia - about the "equality" of all religions: Abu Dhabi - about the "equality" of evil with good under the guise of "mercy": Amoris Laetitia. In doing this they have murdered millions upon millions of souls. Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.

Does "Communist" Francis's only Book demonstrate he "Favors... [Marxist] Cuban Dictatorship... [&] Authoritarianism"?

The Jesuit Post reported that the authoritarian dictatorship friendly Francis's Vatican joined authoritarian Cuba and Communist China in refusing to recognize the "internationally-recognized interim president" of Venezuela Juan Guaido: Guaido['s]... team was in Italy on February 11 seeking... for recognition, they also met with representatives of the Vatican." (The Jesuit Post, "Will Pope Francis Save Venezuela," February 25, 2019) Pope Francis's Vatican refused to recognize Guaido. If Francis's Vatican had recognized Guaido it is possible that the Venezuelan military backing may have crumbled for the authoritarian dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro. This is consistent with Francis's behavior toward the leftist regime. He has never condemned the dictator and has continued to be friendly to the regime leader Maduro calling for "dialogue" which has helped the strongman stay in power even as he continues to oppress an...