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Showing posts from April 22, 2018

Is Pope Francis a Practical Atheist?

The Catholic News Agency headline on December 7, 2013 at the beginning of the pontificate of Pope Francis summarized his talk that day and his whole papacy: "Pope: Neglect of human dignity causes 'practical atheism'" Pope John Paul II in a General Audience on April 1999 said: "The contemporary era has devastating forms of 'theoretical' and 'practical' atheism. Secularism... with its indifference to ultimate questions and... the transcendent." (>hf_jp_ii_ 14041999) Francis's primary focus on only earthly human dignity, it appears, could be a form of practical atheism or secularism. The Pope rarely focuses on "ultimate questions and... the transcendent" such as heaven and hell as well as the Last Judgement, but almost always on non-ultimate/transcendent issues that tend to bring leftist pro-abortion politicians into power such as radical environmental issues, leftist economic policies and unlimited immigrat