If the President Donald Trump Wall is not build then the one party pro-death state of California will spread like a disease to rest of the United States. We see the post-Reagan amnesty Hispanic immigrants voting in Democrat abortion and gay extremists who claim murder of the unborn children and homosexual perversion is the highest good. If the United States becomes like California then the Democrat's one party Venezuela-like regime will gain power over all persons of faith in the God of the Bible. Then as in California we will began to live in a Stalinist or Nazi-like regime that outlaws Christianity. Like Stalin and Hitler they claim evil is good. Christians, in the future, who want to raise their children in the sexual morality of the faith or want to stop the murder of unborn babies must be jailed for the “hate crimes" against the one party state in this regime. These post-Reagan Latino immigrants want to bring the Democrat regime into power. They are like crazy