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Showing posts from March 8, 2020

Where Peter and Pachamama Is says "Epidemic... Punishment for Sacrilegious Dunking" of Pachamama Idols

Portuguese Dr. Pedro Gabriel in Where Peter Is, which I call Where Pachamama Is, dared to claim the naked idols of Pachamama were "Our Lady." If there are any Portuguese men that have any devotion to Our Lady of Fatima in that country they should dunk Gabriel in the river for making such a sacrilegious statement. Maybe it might do Gabriel some good to go to Mexico because there are still men in that country who burned the naked idols of Pachamama because they are real men who are devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Gabriel said of the dunked naked statues that Francis explicitly said were "pachamamas": "[T]he epidemic might have been a punishment for sacrilegiously dunking... statues that represent Our Lady of the Amazon." (Where Peter Is, "Dr. Marshall and coronavirus: suffering people deserve better!," March 14, 2020) Maybe Gabriel thinks the men who burned the naked Pachamama idols in Mexico are to blame for the "epidemic,"

Is the Coronavirus Manipulated Panic a Dry Run for a Francis Globalist Leftist Nazi-like Police State?

In Italy and the United States, all schools are closed. In Italy and the United States, Masses are being suspended by the leftist state and local governments and their collaborators who are the Antichrist-like Francis bishops. (St. Robert Bellarmine said that during the time of the Antichrist "public sacrifice... shall completely cease.") In Italy where the Francis approved federal government is controlled by the leftist's parties one can be charged with murder for supposedly being a Coronavirus spreader. In the Francis approved Italian regime there is Nazi-like martial law where all movement on foot or by car must be "justified by... documents" and 6pm curfew. (The Now Word: Reflections on Our Times, "The Point of No Return," By Mark Mallett, March 12, 2020) In the United States, 70% of millennials say they would vote for a Socialist regime takeover of our country by the likes of Bernie Sanders who admires Fidel Castro's totalitarianis

Are Bishops who Suspend the Public Mass Blazing a Trail for the Antichrist?

Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine said one of the signs of the Antichrist is suspending public Mass: "[S]ure signs concerning the coming of Antichrist... the greatest and last persecution, and also the public sacrifice (of the Mass) shall completely cease." (The Prophecy of Daniel, Pages 37-38) Are bishops who suspend public Masses blazing a trail for the future Antichrist? Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Facts on the Coronavirus

Steve Mosher, the president of the Population Research Institute, said the FACTS ARE: Fact: China has a bioweapons program run out of two labs, the more advanced of which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Fact: Chinese agents have stolen dangerous coronaviruses out of North American labs and taken them to WIV. Fact: Chinese virologists, working under the direction of the People’s Liberation Army, have genetically engineered at least one coronavirus to make it more infectious, reporting their “achievement” in the pages of the Journal of Virology. Fact: Chinese biotechnology labs, such as the WIV, have a history of accidentally releasing dangerous pathogens into the surrounding population. Fact: The Chinese coronavirus epidemic began in the city of Wuhan, the city where WIV is located. [ ] Here's another fact: The Coronavirus

Bioweapons Expert Dr. Francis Boyle On Coronavirus

             Slideshow Fred Martinez Hide To Fred Martinez Cc Bcc Slideshow : A recent interview with Bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle published by GreatGameIndia and conducted by Geopolitics & Empire , has been exploding across the world the past few days as the truth is emerging on the origins of the Coronavirus Bioweapon . Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush... ... Dr. Francis Boyle:   All these BSL-4 labs are by United States, Europe,

Shoud China be Quarantined?

According to News Travel, in the "first half of 2019": "[T]he top... [Chinese] destination in Europe were Russia, Italy... " (, "Big Data: Chinese Tourism to Europe Keep Growing in H1 2019," August 30, 2019) If Italy is the epicenter of the Coronavirus in Western Europe and it appears to be a top Chinese tourist "destination" then why isn't the Italian and European media calling for a quarantine of China? Why, if what the media is saying is true about the Coronavirus, aren't they calling for a global travel ban on China like President Donald Trump and Australia have done or even a global "call for the world to advise all citizens to leave China " until the virus is under control? If the Democrats and the media are serious in their Coronavirus panic than a quarantine of China is absolutely needed. Why aren't they calling for a quarantine? I dare any of the Democrats and the media panic-mongers

Michael Matt: "[T]wo Catholic Churches now... they can't both be Right"

Why can't Remnant editor Michael Matt say this, today, of the Francis Church? In 2000, Matt in "We Resist You To The Face" wrote: "The terrifying reality of the present situation is that there are, for all practical purposes, two Catholic Churches now... Rudimentary apologetics tells us they both can't be right and true." (We Resist You To The Face, Page 101, Copyright 2000 © by Tradition In Action, Inc.)

Manipulating Coronavirus Panic in the USA, Italy, Russia & China

It is fascinating to watch how the  worldwide Coronavirus panic manipulation is playing out. In the United States and Italy it appears that the primary target of promoting panic is the populace of their own countries. But, Russia and China appear to have different targets for their manipulation. According to cyber security expert Josephine Wolff: "Russia's approach to online manipulation seems more... [towards] causing panic outside its own borders... China's strict censorship... appears to be internally directed and aimed at preventing panic [in China]." (Slate, "How Russia and China are Manipulating Coronavirus Conversations Online, March 4, 2020) Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

St. Francis de Sales: "[T]he Sacrifice shall Cease... the Son of Man shall hardly find Faith"

"[E]ven now there are many Antichrists." - John 2:18 "Public Masses suspended in Italy as coronavirus continues to spread" (Catholic Courier headline, March 9, 2020) Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales: "We place our trust in the Holy Word, which promises perpetuity to the Church.." "... It is written that the revolt and speration must come (2 These. ii 3), and the sacrifice shall cease (Dan. xii. 11), and that the Son of Man shall hardly find faith on the earth... afflictions which antichrist will cause in the Church... but in spite of this the Church during the three years shall not fail." (The Catholic Controversy, By St Francis de Sales, Page 62) "[E]ven now there are many Antichrists." - John 2:18 Pray for the grace of deep faith, hope and charity and despite the present darkness never forget: "[T]he Church... shall not fail." Pray an Our Father now and offer your Mass today, tommorow or Sunday

Why might New York & Francis's Italian Bishops Community be Scared of the Coronavirus?

- Updated March 26, 2020 Why is it that Coronavirus male death rates are much larger than the mortality rates of woman? Why is it that the all male Francis Italian Bishops community (which apparently might include the Vatican Gay Lobby) is so worried about the Coronavirus that they are banning the Mass in Italy? Why might Italy and specifically the small Italian city of Bergamo be the epicenter of the Coronavirus in Europe? Might the following have something to do with it? Hachette Book Group says all the large cities of Italy have "a vibrant gay community, and even small cities Bergamo... have their own gay associations... Travel magazines regularly rate Italy as the top destination for gay travelers." (, Italy's Gay and Lesbian Culture) Why is it that New York City is the epicenter of Coronavirus in the United States and, also, happens to have the highest population of gays of all American cities according to Wikipedia? Might th

Is Cdl. Burke going to be St. John Fisher or Not?

On March 6, Journalist Edward Pentin asked Cardinal Raymond Burke: "Why won’t a group from the College of Cardinals visit the Holy Father and appeal to him to change course, or express their disapproval about the direction things are going in?" Cardinal Burke answered: "The question is: Is there such a group? There are two or three or four who have spoken up and made it clear. And we don’t make this public, but, obviously, we express our concerns directly to the Holy Father. I’m not excusing myself, but I don’t consider myself the savior of the Church. I’m trying to do my part, but, normally speaking, in the history of the Church regarding these matters, there was at least a group, in the sense of three or more, who would go to the Holy Father and say to him that something is simply not right and can’t go on." [ ] Does Cardinal Burke think that saying he is “ not the savior

Cardinal Burke Culpably Seeks a Stance of Powerlessness

In a recent interview with Ed Pentin published at the National Catholic Register, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke went into greater detail than before, regarding the mysterious disappearance of the promised “formal correction” upon which so many had pinned their hopes.   Why has no group of  Cardinals challenged the openly heretical, openly abusive, and questionably legitimate Bergoglio? Pentin and a growing number of faithful demand to know.   The stance adopted by His Eminence, if reported accurately by the utterly reliable Pentin is to be believed, is positively mind-boggling for an attitude which can only be characterized as elective futility. “Is there such a group?” Cardinal Burke is said to have responded, as though this rhetorical question of his might substitute for vindication of Christ’s truth against the assaults of Amoris and the Amazonian Synod.   A shrug at the crack of a gun; a sigh at the sight of a rape.   It is being reported elsewhere that--to his credit, as far a

Catholic Answers admits that Denying receiving on the Tongue isn't “at the Discretion of the Priest or Bishop”

The bishop in my diocese due to the Coronavirus is not permitting Communion on the tongue. Today, my Traditional Latin Mass confessor told me if the priests at the Novus Ordo Mass I go to on weekdays refuses to allow me to receive on the tongue to just do a spiritual communion. If they refuse they are denying me my right as a Catholic to receive on the tongue. It is on the priest's conscience not mine. Even the Novus Ordo Catholic Answers admits that the denying of my right to receive on the tongue isn't “at the discretion of the priest or bishop”: Can a bishop prohibit receiving Communion on the tongue? Question: Recently I was attending Mass in another diocese, and when I approached the extraordinary minister of the Eucharist to receive on the tongue, I was denied Communion. Not wanting to make a scene, but fairly confident of my rights, I whispered that I can receive this way. The minister apologized but said that the bishop does not permit Communion on the t

How Sick is Francis and is he a "Lame Duck" with "Power Struggles" in the Vatican?

Vatican expert John L. Allen Jr. appears to be sending mixed signals on how sick Francis is: "On August 19, 1914, for example, L’Osservatore Romano , the official Vatican newspaper, published a stinging editorial denouncing unnamed commentators who had suggested the previous day that Pope Pius X had a cold." "Less than twenty-four hours later, Pius X was dead." "Historically, the most reliable way to destabilize a monarchy, whether of the secular or ecclesiastical sort, is to suggest that the king is ill. Traditionally, therefore, the Vatican is extremely reluctant to acknowledge that a pope is ill, fearing that it will induce a fin de régime scramble for power and turn the sitting pope into a lame duck." "No of this is to suggest there’s any reason to think that Pope Francis is seriously ill, or that the Vatican’s explanation of a 'light cold' isn’t correct." [