Pope Francis has a new game plan that includes the new tactic of precise unambiguous language. The old plan was to use ambiguous language to allow sexual intrinsically evil acts. In the new plan, Francis is saying the death penalty is an intrinsically evil act in precise unambiguous language, it appears, to possibly negate natural moral law. Dr. Joseph Shaw at the Lifesitenew and S. Armaticus at the Deus Machina blog made the same observation on Francis's new language: -Shaw: "The Pope speaks in this address with a level of technical precision not always to be found in his remarks.' -Armaticus: "Since May, the 'literary construct' used by Francis to express the above thought has undergone a metamorphosis. In grammatical terms, one can say improvement. What has happened is that Francis has reduced the level of ambiguity.' If what Dr. Shaw, Edward Feser and Armaticus are saying below is true then the new plan is to possibly bring about more ab