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Showing posts from October 1, 2023

Vatican I: "Possibility that in the future a pope might be a heretic... held to be possible by popes Innocents III and Paul IV... the matter came up... Archbishop Purcell of Cincinnati recalled was dismissed... any heretical pope would be immediately deposed!"

Infallibility, Integrity and Obedience: The Papacy and the ...  › books John M. Rist  · 2023 · ‎Religion ...  held to be possible by popes Innocent III and Paul IV  ) ; nor a fortiori not only ...  any heretical pope would be immediately deposed  ! Historians have asked ...

The Gateway Pundit Joe Rogan Says Woke California Schools Tried to Turn His 5 Year-Old Child Into a Left Wing Political Activist (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit Joe Rogan Says Woke California Schools Tried to Turn His 5 Year-Old Child Into a Left Wing Political Activist (VIDEO) ..your tax payer dollars funded the attack on Israel today..what a stolen election looks like..White House who gives Iran $6 BILLION"

@LauraLoomer..your tax payer dollars funded the attack on Israel today..what a stolen election looks like..White House who gives Iran $6 BILLION"

Ultra MAGA Joyce Day and Carson Krow liked Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer Subscribe How does it make you feel as an American to know that your tax payer dollars funded the attack on Israel today? This is was failed US-Iran foreign policy looks like. This is what a stolen election looks like. This is what it looks like when you have an Alzheimer’s patient in the White House who gives Iran $6 BILLION while they chant death to America and Death to Israel. The Israelis are now being killed by weapons that were purchase with our taxpayer dollars. Things must change. Keep that in mind as you decide who to vote for in 2024. 6:01 AM · Oct 7, 2023 · 827.3K Views

Cardinals Burke, Müller condemn Pope Francis’ support for same-sex ‘blessings,’ Communion for adulterers

Cardinals Burke, Müller condemn Pope Francis' support for ... LifeSite  › news › cardinals-burke... 21 hours ago —  Cardinals Burke ,  Müller condemn Pope Francis '  support  for  same - sex  ' blessings ,'  Communion  for  adulterers . 'Even if the pope himself is ...

MERCOLA: Scientists are investigating the health challenges associated with microclots for those affected by long COVID and vaccine-related symptoms. Potential solutions include fibrinolytic enzymes and other anticoagulant therapies, nutraceuticals and supplements"

★ TOP STORY Solving the Mystery of Long COVID Scientists are investigating the health challenges associated with microclots for those affected by long COVID and vaccine-related symptoms. Potential solutions include fibrinolytic enzymes and other anticoagulant therapies, nutraceuticals and supplements.

If Francis is a Heretic, What should Canonically happen to him?

Did Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) say that Francis is a heretic ?   On June 3, 2003 the then  Cardinal Ratzinge r  (and future Pope Benedict) , head of the Congregation for the Faith,  said that the endorsement of  " homosex civil unions"  was against Catholic teaching, that is  heterodoxy : "Those who would move from tolerance to the legitimatization of specific rights for cohabiting homosexual persons need to be reminded that the approval or legalization of evil is something far different from the toleration of evil...  The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions ." (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, "Considerations Regarding Proposals to give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons," June 3, 2003) reported: " Francis made on October 21  his latest declaration ...