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Showing posts from July 15, 2018

John Paul II & Pius XII approved Visionary: "I Hope the Lord will not allow the Pope to Deny any Truth of the Faith and put himself in the place of God," Fatima, the Flood & Same-Sex Marriage

On April 27, 2018, the National Catholic Register in the article "From Contemplating Murder to Honoring Mary: The Marian Apparition at Tre Fontane," explained how Pope Pius XII and Pope John Paul II came to approve of the apparition of the "Virgin of Revelation" to Bruno Cornacchiola: "The World War II debris lingered as Bruno Cornacchiola, an anti-clerical Protestant, had every intention to murder Pope Pius XII — until the Virgin Mary interfered April 12, 1947, at Tre Fontane ('Three Fountains)." "She called herself the 'Virgin of Revelation.'” "Shortly after, Cornacchiola was able to see the Virgin, who was dressed in white, wearing a green mantle with a pink band, and holding the Scriptures." "...Our Lady also gave a heavenly sign to Pope Pius XII through Cornacchiola, who was asking for confirmation on how to clearly define the dogma of the Assumption in light of his encyclical issued Nov. ...

Did the Bilderberg Group finally defeat Pope Benedict XVI & Have Cdl. Parolin and Pope Francis accepted their "Secularist One-World Creed"?

Was Pope Benedict XVI ultimately defeated by the the hostile Bilderberg Group? On August 27, 2010, the leftist National Catholic Reporter journalist John Allen in an article called "'Attack on Ratzinger': Italian book assesses Benedict papacy;" Allen was critical of renown Italian journalist Marcello Foa who made: The "suggestion that the shadowy 'Bilderberg Group' is behind media hostility to Benedict XVI, because the papacy is the last obstacle to a secularist one-world creed." Recently, even the Francis friendly conservative Catholic World Report on June 11 in the piece called "Cardinal Parolin, Pope Francis, and the outcomes of the outward Church" put forth the idea: "Cardinal Parolin['s] participation in the Bilderberg meeting is a sign that the Church [of Francis] has been defeated by the secular world." Have Francis and Parolin accepted the secularist one-world creed of the Bilderberg Group? Pray an Our Fat...