Post-Christian America WorldNetDaily Friday, May 23, 2008 LAW OF THE LAND Pat Buchanan: Marriage ruling another streetlight on our 'darkening path to perdition' Posted: May 22, 2008 By Patrick J. Buchanan "A Victory for Equality and Justice," blared the headline above the editorial. "Momentous," "historic," "a major victory for civil rights," "a scrupulously fair ruling based on law, precedents and common sense." This was the ecstatic reaction of the New York Times to the California Supreme Court's declaration that homosexuals have a right to marry and have their unions recognized as marriages. Now, there may be hugging around the newsroom at the Times, where one senior writer said, a few years back, three-fourths of the folks who make up the front page are gay. But this is just another streetlight on America's darkening path to perdition as a society and republic. T