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Showing posts from November 15, 2009

How to Cure Serious Neuroses and be Happy

The way I live is by trying to staying in God's presence. Please read how Leanne Payne explains it. Practicing the presence of God will make you happy and can cure serious neuroses. Fred ed617 said... I was reading "post modern approaches" in my psyc textbook just as I came across your blog post - how ironic. Your argument is very well presented-I clearly understand what you're saying - but this is hardly news- I see from your bio you clearly live the life you believe in... but what would be of more use is a post describing how you are "making it" in this strange new world where there seems to be no such thing as an "objective truth" - how do you cope? What do you do to keep your values intact when reality itself is shifting beneath your feet as you walk? Fred Martinez said... The way I live is by trying to staying in God's presence. Please read how Leanne Payne explains it. DAVID: What is it to practice the presence of God? What is that? How

How to Fix Our Economic Crisis Usury and Our Economic Implosion It's All About Usury by John Médaille With all the turmoil in the financial industry, you would think that there would be a national conversation of money and lending. You would think that this would be a good time to re-examine the way we create money and the way we lend it. You would think, especially, that it would be a good time to review the subject of usury, especially since the credit card market is about to collapse in the same way the mortgage market did. But no, that conversation has not taken place. Indeed, the last great economist to address the subject was J. M. Keynes, back in the 1930's. Keynes, who was no friend of the Church, surprised himself by finding that the Church's restrictions on usury made perfect economic sense, a sense ignored by classical economists: "Provisions against usury are amongst the most ancient economic practices of which