If Pope Francis continues to follow his narrow group of advisers he will need to reject objective reality also known as the law of non-contradiction at least if he keep listening to C. Casper. According to Robert Royal of Catholic Things "Honduran Cardinal Maradiaga, head of Francis’ “G-8” governing body of cardinals" appears to be getting the Pope into economic conspiracy theories. Royal observes that unlike Francis " John Paul II took the trouble to listen to people who actually knew something about economics and that’s why, even after his warnings about certain types of capitalism in Centesimus Annus [42], the following analysis [43-62] remains the best overall commentary on the complexities – and occasional paradoxes – of modern economies. Read that. If you do, you’ll hope Francis seeks out some new friends. He has sincere concern about the poor. He needs to hear from those who can show what’s demonstrably helped so many in need." Pray and fast...